Bailey Giroux

"My name is Bailey Giroux, and I attended the north2north program at Stockholm University in Sweden. When I was first introduced to the North2North program through Lakehead's international office, I was immediately interested and excited by the opportunity to further my studies in an international Northern country. I was born and raised in the North and love my Northern community, so I was interested in seeing how other Northern countries operated and potentially bringing new knowledge and innovative solutions to problems back home in Canada.

Reilly Hutchinson

Studying abroad in Greece left me with nothing but a new infatuation of Greek culture, travelling, and a lifetime of friendships. After landing in Thessaloniki, I was greeted by ACT staff who helped me get to the school to pick up my keys. Throughout my time in Greece, there were excursions planned on the weekends (for a small fee) which included accommodations, transportation and guides. This was an amazing way to meet friends and travel around to beautiful sites.


Studying abroad for a semester at Nord was truly an unforgettable experience. From the foreign foods to the amazing landscape, it was nothing short of amazing. Being an outdoorsy person, Nord was the perfect school for me and allowed me to gain a new appreciation to Arctic culture. On campus, there was a warehouse in which any student could borrow outdoor equipment such as tents or skis for free. They had loads of opportunities to meet other international students such as games, clubs, committees and events.