Upcoming EDI in Research Events

 Events are regularly added to this list & are included in the Research and Innovation Bulletin 

If you would like a tailored EDI workshop for your research group, please contact the Dr. Jocelyn Bel, our EDI Research Facilitator at edi.research@lakeheadu.ca  

NEW: We are pleased to announce the launch of the Certificate in Inclusive Research Leadership, our internal certificate program for researchers in EDI! Click HERE to learn more!register now graphic


Training & Workshop Links

Recommended internal and external EDI training courses/certificates for researchers and their teams are listed below. 


For more toolkits, resources and guides, please visit the EDI in Research Resource page

Previous EDI in Research Events & Awards

Some of our past events focusing on EDI in research are listed below in reverse chronological order. If you would like more information about these events, please contact the EDI Research Facilitator at edi.research@lakeheadu.ca