EDI in Research Speaker Series Panel Discussion on How Research Assessment Metrics Need to Change to be more Inclusive

EDI in Research Panel Discussion Poster

To view the recording of this panel discussion, please use the information below. 

Link: https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/rec/share/1aHhYO9C3rfDqiHvTuP9WeYnzSXOvx3r5oJgkRmwn9zS1JrCH2HzUHVfcPl3WRc.hqTM-j68Qga1NBE8

Passcode: LakeheadEDIMarch28/2023

If you have any trouble viewing the recording, please contact Dr. Jocelyn Bel, the EDI Research Facilitator at edi.research@lakeheadu.ca for a direct link.