NSERC CREATE Internal Call for Expressions of Interest (due February 1, 2023)

NSERC's Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) program supports the training and mentoring of teams of highly qualified students and postdoctoral fellows from Canada and abroad through the development of innovative training programs that:

  • encourage collaborative and integrative approaches, and address significant scientific challenges associated with Canada’s research priorities, and 
  • facilitate the transition of new researchers from trainees to productive employees in the Canadian workforce
Please note that as in the past, it is anticipated that Lakehead University will have a quota of two letters of intent that it can submit to this competition.  If you intend to submit a LOI to this program, you are asked to notify the Office of Research Services (ahacquo1@lakeheadu.ca) by February 1, 2023 of your intention to apply to this opportunity.  If more than two teams indicate that they are submitting an LOI to the CREATE program, an internal competition will need to be held to determine which two LOIs will be submitted to NSERC.
Given the highly competitive nature of the NSERC Create program and the requirement for institutional support, Principal Investigators will need to work closely with assigned research facilitators from the conceptualization of the project proposal to final submission.
Please note that the NSERC CREATE guidelines have not yet been updated or any CREATE webinars scheduled by NSERC.  Once the dates and times of the webinars are known, they will be communicated to faculty members.

NOHFC Administrative Internship Call

Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) – Workforce Development Stream / Indigenous Workforce Development Stream Regular (administrative) Internships:  
  • One Position Available


Workforce Development Stream:  The intent of the Workforce Development Stream is to strengthen and develop Northern Ontario’s workforce through business partnerships by offering internships.  

Indigenous Workforce Development Stream:  The intent of the Indigenous Workforce Development Stream is to strengthen and develop Northern Ontario’s Indigenous workforce through business partnerships by offering internships to Indigenous persons.

Lakehead University will have one NOHFC administrative-related internship (out of its quota of two administrative-related placements) become available after the end of May 2023 through the NOHFC Workforce Development Stream/Indigenous Workforce Development Streams.  The internal deadline for the submission of regular internship applications to the Office of Research is February 17, 2023Please email a copy of your NOHFC application to Andrew Hacquoil, Research Facilitator (Institutional Programs), Office of Research, at ahacquo1@lakeheadu.ca.  Do not submit your application to the NOHFC. Note that you will need to create an account on the NOHFC website in order to create an application. If more than one application is received, an internal competition will need to be held to determine which application will be submitted to the NOHFC.  Final decisions will be made by the Executive Team Working Group.

  • Important Note:  Under this NOHFC administrative internship call, priority will be given to applications from Lakehead University administrative units.


Eligible Candidates/Costs

Salaries/wages and employer’s portion of Mandatory Employment Related Costs (MERCs) (e.g.: Canada Pension Plan, Employment Insurance, mandatory minimum vacation pay, as per Employment Standards Act) for a limited-term internship position of 52 weeks (with at least 35 hours of work per week) for candidates that:

  • Are new entrants into the workforce, are transitioning to a new career, or the unemployed or underemployed who are entering a new field;
  • Have not previously participated in a NOHFC-funded internship;
  • Are at least 18 years of age; and
  • Reside, and be legally entitled to work, in Canada.
  • For the  Indigenous Workforce Development Stream:  Identify as an Indigenous person, including First Nation, Metis, or Inuit.  


Review Criteria

Applications will be reviewed according to the following criteria:

  • The extent to which the position addresses a labour shortage or supports the development of a skilled trade or profession in Northern Ontario;
  • The opportunity for the placement to result in a full-time, permanent job with the applicant or another Northern Ontario business;*
  • The quality of the skill development opportunity and the potential for the position to provide specific and recognizable transferable skills, and 
  • The quality of the position’s work/training plan and direct onsite supervision methods   

*Please note that applicants, in order to demonstrate the possibility of the internship resulting in permanent employment, must outline in their application:

  • How the internship could result in a permanent job with the applicant, or
  • How the skills and training acquired by the intern by working with the faculty member on the proposed project will make them more employable in a certain field or industry (please give specific examples from your project that will show what skills and training will be acquired by the intern).

Applications that indicate No employment opportunities will result, will be declared ineligible and removed from the internal competition.


For eligible municipalities, Indigenous communities and not-for-profit organizations, funding is in the form of a conditional contribution of up to 90% of an intern’s salary and employer’s portion of MERCs to a maximum of $35,000 per year. It is important to note that the applicant must provide the remaining 10% of the cost of the intern.  Therefore, when submitting your internship application to the Office of Research Services, A separate statement of where the required matching funds (plus benefits) will come from must be provided as well.  Applications submitted by the February 17, 2023 internal deadline without information on matching funds will be considered ineligible in the internal competition

For more information about the NOHFC program, please click here. 
Please note that for purposes of the NOHFC, "The NOHFC provides economic development funding toward approved projects in the territorial districts of Northern Ontario, namely Algoma, Cochrane, Kenora, Manitoulin, Nipissing, Parry Sound, Rainy River, Sudbury, Thunder Bay and Timiskaming."

Community-College-University Exposition

Call for Proposals

Lakehead University is pleased to be hosting the international Community-College-University Exposition (C2UExpo). C2UExpo is Canada’s leading conference that focuses on community-based research (CBR) and community-campus engagement.  Under the framework of our theme of Connected Communities. Collective Change, C2UExpo will showcase innovative approaches, research findings, and best practices of community-campus initiatives.   These initiatives are exploring the ways in which community-based research (including place-based CBR), community-engaged learning and action can contribute to more vital communities. We are inviting proposals for presentations and interactive sessions that relate to the overall conference theme. Presentation proposals are due no later than Monday, January 23, 2023.  For more information, including how to submit a proposal, please click here.

Internal Call for Applications - NOHFC Research Internships – People & Talent Program - January 17, 2023 Internal Deadline

Research Internships:  Two Positions Available 


  • Workforce Development Stream:  The intent of the Workforce Development Stream is to strengthen and develop Northern Ontario’s workforce through business partnerships by offering internships.  
  • Indigenous Workforce Development Stream:  The intent of the Indigenous Workforce Development Stream is to strengthen and develop Northern Ontario’s Indigenous workforce through business partnerships by offering internships to Indigenous persons.

Under this program, covering both streams, Lakehead University has a quota of five research-related placements.  Of these five, two are currently, or will be available (one internship spot is open now, while the second one will open up at the end of April 2023). The internal deadline for the submission of internship applications to the Office of Research Services is January 17, 2023.   Please note that you will need to create an account on the NOHFC website in order to create an application, however please do not submit your application to the NOHFC.   Instead,  please email a copy of your application to Andrew Hacquoil, Research Facilitator (Institutional Programs), Office of Research Services, at ahacquo1@lakeheadu.ca

If more than two internship applications are received, an internal competition will need to be held.   Applications will be reviewed and ranked by the Senate Research Committee (SRC).  The SRC will then make a recommendation to the Vice-President, Research and Innovation regarding which two applications should be submitted to the NOHFC.


Eligible Candidates/Costs

Salaries/wages and employer’s portion of Mandatory Employment Related Costs (MERCs) (e.g.: Canada Pension Plan, Employment Insurance, mandatory minimum vacation pay, as per Employment Standards Act) for a limited-term internship position of 52 weeks (with at least 35 hours of work per week) for candidates that:

  • Are new entrants into the workforce, are transitioning to a new career, or the unemployed or underemployed who are entering a new field;
  • Have not previously participated in a NOHFC-funded internship;
  • Are at least 18 years of age; and
  • Reside, and be legally entitled to work, in Canada.
  • For the  Indigenous Workforce Development Stream:  Identify as an Indigenous person, including First Nation, Metis, or Inuit.  


Review Criteria

Applications will be reviewed according to the following criteria:

  • The extent to which the position addresses a labour shortage or supports the development of a skilled trade or profession in Northern Ontario;
  • The opportunity for the placement to result in a full-time, permanent job with the applicant or another Northern Ontario business;*
  • The quality of the skill development opportunity and the potential for the position to provide specific and recognizable transferable skills, and 
  • The quality of the position’s work/training plan and direct onsite supervision methods   


*Please note that applicants, in order to demonstrate the possibility of the internship resulting in permanent employment, must outline in their application:

  • How the internship could result in a permanent job with the applicant, or
  • How the skills and training acquired by the intern by working with the faculty member on the proposed project will make them more employable in a certain field or industry (please give specific examples from your project that will show what skills and training will be acquired by the intern).

Applications that indicate No employment opportunities will result, will be declared ineligible and removed from the internal competition.



For eligible municipalities, Indigenous communities and not-for-profit organizations, funding is in the form of a conditional contribution of up to 90% of an intern’s salary and employer’s portion of MERCs to a maximum of $35,000 per year. 

It is important to note that the applicant must provide the remaining 10% of the costs for the intern.  Therefore, when submitting your internship application to the Office of Research Services, a Research Proposal Approval Form (RAPF) must be included in the package.  A statement of where the required matching funds (including MERCs) will come from must be included in, or attached to the signed and completed RPAF as well.  Applications submitted by the January 17, 2023 internal deadline without an RPAF will be considered ineligible in the internal competition. 


An Important Note on Research Internships

Please note that for a proposal to be considered as being a research internship, the application must be written so as to meet the NOHFC's definition of research:  

Q:  What is a research intern under the Internship Program?

A:   An employer applying for a research intern must engage in research activities as part of their mandate. NOHFC considers both pure (scientific) and applied research positions.

  • Pure (scientific) research internships must contribute to the development of documents that are generated for public consumption and peer review.
  • Applied research internships involve conducting studies and research that seeks to solve practical problems and find solutions to everyday problems. This often involves original investigation into the development of new technology, products, and services.


For the purpose of defining an applied research internship the following criteria must be met:

a)   The applicant must be involved in research aimed at developing a new technology and or products (i.e. a solution to everyday problem)

b)  The internship duties will focus on assisting the applicant organization in development and research of a new technology, products, or service.

 Applicants are required to state in their submissions how they meet the NOHFC's criteria for a research internship.  Applications that are not deemed to be research-related (i.e., the duties of the intern will be more administrative in nature instead of involving a research activity) will be considered ineligible in the internal competition. 


For More Information

 For more information about the NOHFC internship program, please click here.

Internal Call for Expressions of Interest: OVIN Regional Future Workforce Program - November 25 Internal Deadline for EOIs

The Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN) has issued a call for expressions of interest under its Regional Future Workforce Program (RFW).  The purpose of the RFW pilot program is to encourage students of all ages, from all regions of Ontario, to pursue careers in the automotive and mobility sector.  
The specific goals of the program are as follows:
  •     To increase exposure to automotive and mobility sector opportunities and learning programs among students across Ontario regions and grade levels (kindergarten to post-secondary)  
  •     To increase the number of equity-deserving and underrepresented groups exploring careers, learning and development opportunities in the automotive and mobility sector
  •     To identify opportunities to build sustainable programs based on pilot programming  
  •     To facilitate collaboration across Ontario between non-profit organizations, academic institutions, and the automotive and mobility industry to build a strong talent pipeline
Applicants to this program can apply for up to $500,000 to develop and run initiatives as part of the RFW Program. Applicants are expected to create programs that engage a minimum of at least 500 students. The engagement programs must be of no cost for the student to participate. As well,  applicants must demonstrate experience in developing and also implementing education programs for audiences ranging from kindergarten to post-secondary.
Although postsecondary institutions can submit more than one application to this program, the maximum funding an applicant can receive is $500,000 in total, regardless of how many audience segments their program will serve. It is recommended that an institution submits one coordinated application. Therefore, if an applicant is interested in this program, they are asked to submit to Andrew Hacquoil, Research Facilitator, Institutional Programs (ahacquo1@lakeheadu.ca), the information required for an RFW expression of interest by 10:00 AM on November 25 (please do not submit the expression of interest to OVIN, but please provide answers to the questions on the EOI).
If more than one EOI is received then an internal committee will determine which EOI is submitted to the OVIN program by November 30.
For more information about this program, please click here.

Research Matters - Episode 4 - Dr. Vicki Kristman, Audrey Gilbeau and Kara Polson

Departmental Competition for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Initiatives

To promote a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive (EDI) research environment at Lakehead University, the Offices of Research Services and Human Rights and Equity are launching an internal competition under the NSERC EDI Institutional Capacity-Building Grant. This initiative aims to facilitate programs/events that increase EDI knowledge within the university community. All academic departments are invited to apply for a monetary award of up to $1,500 to implement an EDI initiative within their academic unit. These initiatives should promote discussion within the department and propel it forward with innovative strategies for incorporating EDI in their area of research. With many Tri-Agency grants now requiring concrete EDI plans in each application, these departmental initiatives can also aid researchers with submitting more robust funding applications.

Each academic department is invited to complete the proposal outlined in the Google Form linked in this notce by October 17th, 2022. If successful, the proposed initiative must be completed before March 31, 2023. Any further questions can be directed to Jocelyn Bel (edi.research@lakeheadu.ca) or Anne Klymenko (anne.klymenko@lakeheadu.ca)

For more information, please click here.

Call for Nominations: Lakehead University Postdoctoral Fellow Research Excellence Award (December 1 deadline)

The Lakehead University Postdoctoral Fellow Excellence Award was established in 2022 to recognize postdoctoral fellows who have displayed excellence in research, professional development, and/or service during the time of their appointment at Lakehead University.  Lakehead University invites nominations for the Lakehead University Postdoctoral Fellow Excellence Award on an annual basis.

A maximum of one award will be presented annually. The award will consist of a $500 award as well as a framed award certificate. The award will be publicly announced during the annual Research and Innovation Week Awards Ceremony.
Nominations are due December 1, 2022.
For more information, including nominations, please click here.

Research Matters - Episode 3 - Dr. Elaine Wiersma and Bill Heibein

Early Researcher Award Round 17: Internal Call for Proposals

In the past, Lakehead University has been successful in securing awards through the previous rounds of the Ministry of Colleges and Universities’ Early Researcher Award (ERA) program.  The funds are to be used over a period of five years to fund eligible expenses for a research team of undergraduates, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, research assistants, associates, and technicians.

Eligible Applicants
Lakehead University invites early career researchers who meet the ERA program criteria, to apply to the 2022 internal ERA competition.  You are eligible to apply for this award if you:
  • are full-time faculty or principal investigator (PI) who, at the application deadline, is based at an eligible institution (adjunct positions don't qualify)
  • have started your independent academic research career on or after January 1, 2016; and
  • have completed your first Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree, Medical Doctor or terminal degree on or after January 1, 2011 (anywhere world-wide).
  • have not already held an Early Researcher Award, and 
  • not a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair.  
To be competitive, researchers are encouraged to be actively involved in conducting research that has been supported by peer-reviewed funding and to demonstrate academic independence from previous supervisors.

Available Amount/Number of Lakehead University Applications
Under this program, an ERA award to a leading researcher is worth a maximum of $100,000 and must be matched by an additional $50,000. For this competition, Lakehead University will provide the required matching contribution of $50,000 ($10,000 per year over 5 years) towards five applications. If researchers, however, are able to access funds from other sources to meet the matching requirement, Lakehead will consider submitting more than five meritorious ERA applications. Please note that awards administered by the federal granting councils (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) are not eligible partner contributions.

Internal ERA Deadlines
1.  September 9, 2022:  Potential applicants are required to e-mail the Office of Research (ahacquo1@lakeheadu.ca) by September 9 to a) indicate their intention to apply to the ERA program, and b) to provide our office with a list of three external individuals (who are not in a conflict of interest with the ERA applicant) who our office can approach to write a letter of reference for the applicant's ERA application.  Please contact your three ERA referees to confirm their willingness to write a letter of support for your ERA application - please ensure that you follow the ERA guidelines when selecting referees.  Once they have agreed, please inform the Office of Research.
Please note the ERA program's guidelines for reference letters:
  • One letter must come from a non-arm's length relationship. Non-arm’s length letters are letters written by a referee who knows the candidate personally (e.g., through mentoring relationships, co-employment relationships in the same school or institute, joint publications, or joint grants).
    Examples of non-arm’s length relationships:
    •Present or past colleague, student, post-doctoral fellow, faculty member, co-practitioner, etc.
    •Past mentor
    •Collaborator (joint publications, grants, etc.)
  • Two letters must come from arm's length recommendations. Arm's length letters are defined as those from external referees who are not the candidate's dissertation or thesis chair or mentor, the candidate's co-author or
    collaborator, a family member of the candidate, or a friend of the candidate. External referees may not have a significant relationship with the candidate and must have the ability to write a non-biased letter that speaks to the
    candidate's background, work and standing in the field. However, it is acceptable for an external referee to be a professional acquaintance. A "professional acquaintance" is defined by circumstances where the candidate and
    the external referee know each other from a professional society or association or from participating together on a panel, chairing meetings or sharing a similar research interest. The external referee cannot have a personal
    friendship or family relationship with the candidate or have had a mentoring relationship, co-employment, a former professor, co-author or collaborator, joint publications or joint grants
It is recommended that the arm’s length letters be from researchers of international stature familiar with the researcher’s (PI) work, where possible.
2.  September 26, 2022:  ERA applicants are required to submit their ERA research proposals and CVs to the Office of Research (ahacquo1@lakeheadu.ca) by September 26 so that our office can forward the information to the external reference letter writers.

3.  October 19, 2022:  Full Applications,using the ERA form, are due in the Office of Research Services no later than October 19 and will be reviewed by the Lakehead University Senate Research Committee (SRC) to determine which application(s) will be submitted to the ERA program.
For More Information
The official call for this program can be found on the   Ministry of Colleges and Universities  website.  The website includes the ERA application form, complete program guidelines and instructions including a list of ineligible partner contributions, eligible expenses, evaluation criteria, application forms, letter of reference requirements, etc.
