Orillia Master Student Receives Third Place in Poster Presentation

Karen Koornreef with her poster presentation

The Latornell Conservation Symposium was hosted by Conservation Ontario and the University of Guelph from October 8 to 9, in Woodbridge, Ont. The annual event brings together professionals and researchers to discuss environmental issues in Ontario. The theme for this year’s symposium was "Collaboration: the future of conservation is collaborative". The symposium provided opportunities for networking, listening to invited speeches, engaging sessions, panel discussions, and interactive workshops. Symposium also provided opportunities for students to interact with peers and other researchers working in similar areas through a student poster competition. From the selected posters for display and in person presentation at the Symposium, top three posters were awarded the best poster prizes. 

The poster presented by Karen Koornneef, Master of Science in Biology student at Lakehead Orillia, was awarded the third prize. The title of the poster was Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal Contaminants in Temperate Fens of Ontario -A Biogeochemical Analysis. Karen is working with Dr. Nanda Kanavillil on her master degree.