Special Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) version of Star Wars screening in Thunder Bay on August 13

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Lucasfilm, Ltd.

Fire up your lightsabers and put on your Jedi robes—there will be a special screening of Star Wars: A New Hope at SilverCity Thunder Bay on Tuesday, Aug. 13 at 7 p.m.

This version of the movie has been dubbed in the Ojibwe language— Anishinaabemowin—and Lakehead grad John-Paul Chalykoff (BEd’12/MEd’19) has voiced the character of Uncle Owen.

This installment in the beloved movie saga also has another Lakehead connection—2024 Honorary Degree Recipient Patricia Ningewance Nadeau played a major role in translating and adapting the film.

Click here to watch the movie trailer for Star Wars (Anangong Miigaading): A New Hope.

Tickets can be reserved by following this link:

Gi-ga-miinigoowiz Mamaandaawiziwin (May the Force be with you)!

Star Wars (Anangong Miigaading)