Lakehead Biology Graduate wins prestigious Rob Peters Award

Graydon McKee, a recent Graduate from the Biology MSc Program at Lakehead University has won the Rob Peters award for best student paper in Canadian Aquatic Science in 2022. Graydon’s paper titled, “Alternative migratory strategies related to life history differences in the walleye (Sander vitreus)” was published in Movement Ecology (McKee et al. 2022).

In the words of Graydon’s nominator, “Graydon’s work stands to make a significant contribution to understanding the inherent variation that exists within managed populations like fisheries, indicating that management strategies targeted at a population without recognizing this variation are unlikely to succeed, or alternatively, only potentially benefit one fraction of the population.”

The Robert H. Peters Award is awarded by the Society of Canadian Aquatic Sciences. This prestigious award recognizes the best aquatic sciences paper published in the preceding year by a Canadian student or a student working in Canada.

A link to the paper (available open access) is here:

Read more about Graydon and the award here: