
This page contains external and internal resources to help Lakehead University faculty members as they develop applications for funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Information will be continuously added to the page as it is developed.


A.  Useful NSERC Discovery Grant External Resources

  • Specific Research Portal/CCV Resources

 Research Tools and Instruments

NSERC Videos and Other Useful Guides/Resources


B.  Upcoming NSERC Discovery  Grant Information Sessions / Webinars

 Upcoming NSERC Webinars for Applicants


C.  What About Open Access?


D. Internal Resources for Faculty Members

1. Lakehead University NSERC Mentors List

The 2022-2023 mentor list of NSERC-eligible faculty members who have agreed to make themselves available to faculty members who are applying to NSERC and would like feedback on their grant proposals has been added to the ORS website.

We thank all those individuals who have allowed their names to be included on the list.

If you require assistance in finding a mentor, please contact Lexi Haslehurst, NSERC Research Facilitator (

2. Grant Writing Resources

For grant writers, grant writing tips, etc., please click here.

3.  Samples of Successful Discovery Grant Applications

The Office of Research Services has received permission from a number of faculty members to allow their successful Discovery Grant applications to be made available to newer faculty members who are preparing their own Discovery Grant applications and would like to see an example of a successful application.  Please contact the Office of Research Services for more information.
