Call for Applications: Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network Stream 2 - R&D Partnership Fund Electric Vehicles


Eligible Applicants

  • Applicants are Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) defined as having fewer than 500 global, full-time employees.
  • Applicants are required to have operations in Ontario and carry out their project in Ontario.

Eligible partners

  • Small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
  • National and multinational enterprises (NEs and MNEs)
  • Academic institutions (as clients only)
  • Municipalities
  • Indigenous communities
  • Not-for-profit organizations representing industry
  • Crown Corporations
  • Transit Authorities
How to Apply: 

The R&D Partnership Fund – Electric Vehicle (EV) – Stream 2 Program supports projects related to the development and demonstration of technologies in electric vehicles (EV) and battery manufacturing technologies in the following priority areas:

  • Mass light vehicles, such as cars, trucks and vans
  • Heavy duty vehicles, including commercial vehicles, trucks, buses, recreational vehicles (RVs), and others used for goods movement
  • Charging infrastructure
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
  • Transit-supportive systems and vehicles
External Deadline: 
Thursday, August 8, 2024
Funding Source: 
Funding Level: 

Mexico-Call for Applications from Canadian Indigenous Academic Groups 2024

How to Apply: 

The Mexican government, through AMEXID, the Mexican Agency of International Cooperation for Development, is offering grants to indigenous students and faculty to participate in a selection of short-term (2-4 weeks) programs this Fall (Sept-November).  The application is for a group  of two students (final year undergraduate, or graduate students who identify as First Nations, Metis or Inuit) and one professor, with the goal of strengthening linkages and stimulating collaboration.

Attached please find the guidelines, a list or projects, and a more detailed description of the programs being offered.  Project themes include:

1. Art, music and literature
2. Solidarity economy
3. Territory, space and traditions
4. Indigenous languages
5. Education, culture and learning processes
6. Corn, wheat and associated crops
7. Rights of indigenous peoples

Application deadline: August 15th 2024 at 18:00 Central Mexico Time

Program Guidelines

List of Projects

Detailed Information on Projects

For more information, please contact Jill Sherman at

External Deadline: 
Thursday, August 15, 2024
Funding Source: 
Funding Level: 

Mexican Agency of International Cooperation for Development

Fellowship: CIHR Fellowship

How to Apply: 

CIHR's Health Research Training Strategy aims to equip research trainees so that they emerge from their training as scientific, professional, or organizational leaders within and beyond the health research enterprise. Generating Research Leaders of tomorrow is a key objective for CIHR.

Fellowships provide support for highly qualified applicants in all areas of health research at the post-PhD degree or post-health professional degree stages to add to their experience by engaging in health research either in Canada or abroad.

Research Areas

Additional funds are available through this competition to support Fellowship award applications in the following specific research areas:

Fellowship: Fall 2024 Priority Announcements (Specific Research Areas)

The specific objectives of this funding opportunity are to:

  • provide recognition and funding to academic health research trainees;
  • provide a reliable supply of highly skilled and qualified researchers.
External Deadline: 
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Funding Source: 
Funding Level: 

Canada–Israel 2024-2025 Collaborative Industrial Research and Development Call for Proposals


In addition to the Canadian SME, other Canadian organizations (research institutes, universities, research and technology organizations, large enterprises and other companies) may participate on a self‑funded basis or as subcontractors.

How to Apply: 
Working together, the governments of Canada and Israel aim to foster and support collaborative industrial research and development (R&D) projects with a high potential for commercialization. This call for proposals is open to organizations from Canada and Israel who wish to form project consortia to perform collaborative projects focused on developing innovative products, processes or technology‑based services.

Although this call invites proposals related to any technological or market area, special attention is being given to the following sectors:

  • Agricultural technologies and agri food technologies
  • Clean technologies and low carbon economy technologies, including materials for clean fuels, clean transportation and mobility, climate resilient building and infrastructure, renewable energy, water and wastewater management
  • Digital technologies, smart cities and smart mobility
  • Environment protection technologies, including transportation infrastructure, renewable power sources, energy storage, eco-friendly energy, eco-friendly vehicles, smart environmental solutions and soil remediation technologies
  • Health and biosciences, including brain health, healthy aging, aging technologies, mental health, biomedicine, biomedical engineering, medical devices, digital health, digital therapeutics, diagnostics and decision support.
  • Quantum computing technologies, including sensing and timing, simulation, communications, imaging, and artificial intelligence
For more information, please contact Jill Sherman at
External Deadline: 
Monday, July 29, 2024
Funding Source: 
Funding Level: 

Xecs call 4 – Electronic Components and Systems

How to Apply: 

Xecs, the Eureka cluster focused on Electronic Components and Systems (ECS), has launched their fourth annual call for collaborative research and development project proposals.

Sector of focus

Micro and nano-electronics and photonics with applications in the following areas:

  • Agrifood and natural resources
  • Digital industry
  • Digital society
  • Energy
  • Health and well-being
  • Mobility

Eligible project participants in collaborative projects selected through this call for proposals may receive funding from their respective national funding body. Funds will be provided in accordance with the applicable laws, regulations, rules and procedures established by the relevant national funding body, country, jurisdiction or program.

Each project participant should contact their national funding agency early in the process and follow their advice regarding national funding applications in parallel to the proposal submission.

Non-eligible project participants (e.g. universities, research institutes, and participants from other countries) are welcome to participate on a self-funded basis or as sub-contractors to funded participants, according to each country's funding regulations.

For more information, please contact Jill Sherman at

External Deadline: 
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Funding Source: 
Funding Level: 

NSERC - UKRI Call for Proposals on Quantum Technologies

How to Apply: 

Canada and the UK enjoy long-standing cooperation in science, technology and innovation. In January 2024, Canada and the UK renewed the Memorandum of Understanding governing cooperation in scientific research and innovation, and quantum was identified as an area of cooperation.

Recognizing the importance of international collaboration in promoting scientific discoveries, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI)’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) are partnering to launch a call for research proposals on quantum science.

Building on the complementary interests and research expertise in the UK and Canada, this collaborative opportunity with UKRI is open to scientific challenges in quantum science that aim to advance research in the technology areas of quantum communications and/or quantum sensing. Proposals must advance specific quantum missions described in the National strategies of each country.

For more information, please contact Jill Sherman at

External Deadline: 
Thursday, August 29, 2024
Funding Source: 
Funding Level: 

Douglas R. Colton Medal for Research Excellence


Candidates for the award will have made significant contributions while completing graduate studies in the form of a Master's or PhD degree some time during the three years prior to nomination for the award. The three-year period provides time for the impact of the contribution to become more apparent, for example, through publications, citations, or commercial interest. The research must have been conducted primarily in Canada and have directly impacted industry in Canada and/or university research programs in Canada. The nominee must be either a Canadian citizen, landed immigrant or an individual who has been a Canadian resident for three years prior to the nomination. Nominees need not be currently pursuing academic studies or holding an academic appointment.

How to Apply: 

CMC Microsystems recognizes excellence in Canadian micro-nano research through its annual Douglas R. Colton award. Established in honour of the founding president of CMC Microsystems, this award includes a medal and a monetary prize of $4,500.

Faculty, students or alumni who have successfully completed a Master’s or PhD degree in a Canadian university within the previous three calendar years are eligible for this award.

As institutions may only submit one nomination per year, interested applicants are asked to contact Dr. Batia Stolar
Associate VP, Research & Graduate Studies, at no later than August 30, 2024.


External Deadline: 
Friday, September 20, 2024
Award Category: 
Funding Source: 
Funding Level: 

Sony Focused Research Award

How to Apply: 
Solid research is the underlying driving force to crystallize fearless creativity and innovation. While we are committed to run in-house research and engineering, we are also excited to collaborate with academic partners to facilitate exploration of new and promising research. The Sony Focused Research Award provides an opportunity for university faculty, research institutes, and Sony to conduct this type of collaborative, focused research. The award provides up to $150K USD* in funds, and may be renewed for subsequent year(s). A list of candidate research topics appears here. Please select the Focused Research Theme for which your submission is written.
For more information, please contact Jill Sherman at
External Deadline: 
Sunday, September 15, 2024
Funding Source: 
Funding Level: 

Faculty Innovation Award

How to Apply: 
Global research and development at Sony enables us to foster innovative ideas, which could ultimately lead to future technology advancements and company growth. In order to speed up and expand the creation of new ideas, we would like to partner with universities and research institutes. This partnership will help cultivate advanced concepts and fertilize our own research and development. The Sony Faculty Innovation Award provides up to $100K USD* in funds to conduct pioneering research in the areas listed here. Please select the single most relevant keyword to your submission. In an effort to further connect with users and creators alike, for many of the keywords listed, creator tools or creator technologies are often one of the envisioned use-cases.
For more information, please contact Jill Sherman at
External Deadline: 
Sunday, September 15, 2024
Funding Source: 
Funding Level: 
