Indigenous Relations Guide
Welcome to the Indigenous Relations Guide at the Bora Laskin Faculty of Law.
Here you will find information about Aboriginal Law, Events and Speakers, Aboriginal Law Applicants, Indigenous Law Courses, Aboriginal Law Associations and Organizations and Blogs and News.
The Director of Indigenous Relations is Mr. Robin Sutherland.
Robin Sutherland is a Mushkegowuk Innino who was raised in the Moose Cree First Nation (MCFN), with strong family connections to the Fort Albany First Nation (FAFN) and western James Bay Coast. Obtaining his Bachelors of Arts and Education (English and History) from Lakehead University through the Concurrent Education program, he went on to become a successful Secondary School Teacher responsible for teaching Intermediate and Senior English, Native Studies, Social Sciences, and Cooperative Education in his home community (FAFN). After returning to Thunder Bay in 2016, he returned to Lakehead in the capacity of Aboriginal Transitions and Coordinated Learning Access Network (CLAN) Advisor, assisting the Indigenous community at Lakehead University with recruitment, retention, and outreach to local, regional, and First Nations communities, businesses, training and skills development organizations, and educational institutions. While having lived in First Nations communities, small Ontario towns, and larger urban centres, he has gained experience working with youth, adults, and elders in a variety of capacities.
Contact Information:
Office: PA 1011
Telephone: (807) 346-7895
A big thank you to the Law Foundation of Ontario for their support of many of our Indigenous Relations Initiatives including sponsoring our annual classroom trip to the Fort William First Nation Sugar Bush, sponsoring summer law student positions in the Debwewin Summer Law Program, and many Access to Justice events coordinated by our Law Student Organizations!