Resume Revamp Workshops For International Students
Prepare for the Part Time Job Fair with your International Student Services and Career Services & Co-op teams!
Prepare for the Part Time Job Fair with your International Student Services and Career Services & Co-op teams!
Prepare for the Part Time Job Fair with your International Student Services and Career Services & Co-op teams!
A big part of your planning will involve securing your accommodations. Do you plan to live in campus residence or in an off-campus rental? It’s important to understand how to apply for residence and what your responsibilities are for finding off-campus housing. This is one you don't want to miss as a new student!
Preparing to travel abroad and start your student life in Canada can feel overwhelming! Our team of International Advisors are here to help you every step of the way.
Join us as we discuss things to consider as you begin your planning and preparation, meet your advisors and kick-start your preparations so you are feeling organized and confident as you navigate through your journey to Lakehead.
Connect with Lakehead University Career Services and Lakehead International Student Services to learn about working in Canada, preparing to work, what to expect, and more! Whether you're preparing to work or curious about what to expect, this session covers essential aspects of crafting a Canadian resume. Don't miss out on this crucial opportunity to learn the basics and enhance your job application skills for the Canadian market.
Join us Tuesday, August 6 at 9:00 am ET.
Join Lakehead University Career Services and Lakehead International Student Services to discover insights into Canadian job markets and valuable tips for success at the upcoming Lakehead Part-Time Job Fair happening this fall. This session will equip you with essential knowledge to thrive in your job search.
Join us Tuesday, August 13 at 9:00 am ET.
As an international student coming to Canada, you have some extra responsibilities and things to consider. In this webinar we will review what to expect at the port of entry, working while you study and working hours as a student and other important considerations as you navigate studying abroad.
We will have covered a lot of new student topics over the last few weeks and this session provided students with an opportunity to join us and ask any outstanding questions or concerns they may have.
Learning a new education system and navigating through unfamiliar platforms and supports can be challenging. Not to worry, we are here to help!
Join us for our next transitional webinar that will highlight what you need to be prepared to study at Lakehead and important services like Student Central, how to use the student portal and Mycourselink, supports for your academics, Graduate Studies and more!