ORPT Culture of Respect, Regulations and Policies

Culture of Respect

The School of Outdoor Recreation, Parks & Tourism strives to create a culture of respect in all our learning environments.

Principles to keep in mind:

  • We all have the right to learn.
  • We all share in the responsibility to not deprive others of their right to learn.
  • We are all part of a community that is committed to respect for all individuals, regardless of gender, race, sex, class, sexual orientation, ability, body size, age, religion, and national origin.
  • We are all accountable for our actions and for our words.

woman ice climbing

Please contribute to an engaging and respectful learning environment by:

  • Attending all scheduled classes and arriving on time. Late arrivals and early departures are very disruptive.
  • Being prepared for each class (e.g. readings, appropriate outdoor clothing, assigned tasks completed).
  • Not engaging in side conversations, as they make listening difficult for others.
  • Not scheduling other activities during this class time.
  • Sitting in the last row, if you need to use your laptop for matters related to the course. This will prevent your screen activity from distracting other students.
  • Letting your instructor(s) know immediately if you are experiencing a problem that is preventing you from performing satisfactorily in this class.
  • Making use of scheduled office hours to discuss course material with your instructors.
  • Not expecting instructors to check or respond to emails according to your own tight schedule or deadline, especially in the evenings, on weekends, or at the end of field trips.
  • Asking for help on an assignment only after you have truly tried to resolve issues yourself.
  • Not coming to a meeting for help on an assignment unprepared.
  • Not using cell phones or texting during class time

University Regulations & Policies

The following policies apply to all of our programs:

Outdoor Recreation, Parks and Tourism Regulations

General Policies


Academic Dishonesty/ Plagiarism Policy (Calendar)

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Harassment and Discrimination Policy and Procedures

Medical Certificates

Reappraisal and Academic Appeals

Special Examinations

Student Code of Conduct

University Regulations (Calendar)

Approved University Policies