Graduate Studies
Master of Science (M.Sc) in Biology
A program of graduate study leading to the two year (six semester) M.Sc. degree is offered in the Department of Biology within the Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies. The program consists of five full course equivalents composed of a graduate thesis, Biology 5901 (9901) (equivalent to three and one-half full courses), a graduate seminar, Biology 5010 (equivalent to a half-course) taken in the first year of the program, and one full course equivalent at the fifth year level.
All candidates must satisfy the Department of Biology as to any required make-up undergraduate course work before being allowed to complete the Master's program. Candidates will be required to present at a special departmental seminar an outline and, if possible, the title of the proposed research thesis. Participation in departmental seminars during the 6 terms of study is expected for graduation from the program. An oral examination on the thesis will be required prior to final approval.
General information about this program is available through the Faculty of Graduate Studies site.
Specific information about this program is available through the Department of Biology site.
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Programs
A program of graduate study leading to a Ph.D. degree supervised by Department of Biology faculty is available.
General information about doctoral programs available through Lakehead University are found here.
Information about specific programs is available through the Department of Biology site.