Orillia Engagement Portal


After the release and analysis of the Employee Experience survey results in 2019, employees interested in improving the experience at the Orillia campus developed the Orillia Engagement Committee (OEC). The intention of the OEC is to generate ideas and action changes that strengthen staff engagement while enhancing the local working environment. The OEC is comprised of representation from both faculty and staff.

If you have questions or are interested in participating in the OEC, please email us at orhumres@lakeheadu.ca. If you would like to sign up for the OEC’s distribution list which is used to relay engagement activities on the Orillia campus, please click here.

Whether you are looking for information on your employee benefits, accessing payroll forms, or looking for health and wellness resources, we hope this portal will meet your needs. Please take a look around, and if you have any suggestions or feedback, feel free to let us know.