Canada – Israel 2020-21 collaborative industrial research and development call for proposals

How to Apply: 

Although this call invites proposals related to any technological or market area, special attention is being given to the following sectors:

  • Health and bio-sciences, including healthy ageing, mental health, biomedicine and biomedical engineering
  • Digital technologies, including cyber security, smart cities and smart mobility
  • Agricultural technologies and agri-food technologies
  • Clean technologies and low carbon economy technologies, including materials for clean fuels, clean transportation/mobility, climate resilient building/infrastructure, renewable energy, water and waste water management

To be considered for funding, applicants must form a project consortium and develop a collaborative research and development (R&D) project that meets the following criteria:

  1. The project consortium must include at least:
    • 1 incorporated Canadian small or medium-sized enterprise (SME), defined as a for-profit company with 500 or fewer full-time equivalent employees
      • Participation of Canadian research institutes/universities, large enterprises and other companies are welcome as additional participants on a self-funding basis or subcontractors
    • 1 eligible Israeli R&D-performing company
      • Participation of Israeli research institutes/universities are welcome as subcontractors
  2. The project partners that form the consortium must:
    • be capable of implementing the project including funding their respective share
    • agree in advance on intellectual property rights and a commercialization strategy
    • not be related in terms of corporate ownership
  3. The project must focus on co-developing a product, process, or technology-based service that:
    • is highly innovative
    • has significant commercial potential
    • has outcomes that can be realized within 2 years of completion of the project, and
    • does not involve R&D related to products, processes, or technological-based services with military or non-peaceful applications
  4. The project must demonstrate:
    • the unique scientific and technological contribution that each organization brings to the project
    • an obvious advantage and added value for each project partner resulting from the collaboration, such as an increased knowledge base, an access to R&D infrastructure or new fields of application or a solutions for commercial needs
    • an adequate balance and significance for all project partners, defined as no more than 70% of the project budget contributed by any one organization or country

In addition to the above eligibility requirements, each applicant must meet their country-specific requirements, outlined below:

3.1 Canadian eligibility requirements

Canadian applicant(s) must also meet the following criteria.

  1. The Canadian SME must have a technology that is:
    • competitive in global markets, differentiated, and protectable, such as a unique or novel patentable technology that may alter the industry or market
  2. The Canadian SME must be committed to:
    • pursuing growth and profit by developing and commercializing innovative, technology-driven new or improved products, processes or technological-based services
    • aggressive growth through global market expansion
  3. The Canadian SME must be ready, and have the resources to:
    • make a serious new market entry push, typically having more than 10 full-time equivalent employees and $1 million CAD in annual revenue
    • complete a collaborative project with international partners
External Deadline: 
Thursday, January 21, 2021
Funding Source: 
Funding Level: 