2025-26 Highway Infrastructure Innovation Funding Program
The objective of HIIFP is to encourage Ontario’s academic community to research projects that contribute to generating solutions to current technical challenges encountered by MTO in the construction and maintenance of the provincial highway infrastructure network. These research projects are funded through HIIFP.
A diverse range of specific research topics have been developed by MTO that outline: 1.) the background of the research requirement, 2.) the challenge or problem to be addressed, and 3.) the anticipated outcome and/or research deliverables.
The HIIFP for fiscal year 2025-26 invites Ontario's eligible institutions to submit research proposals. Eligible institutions may select one or more research topics provided by MTO or propose their own topics (i.e., open research topics).
This Program Guide will also be available on the MTO website (HIIFP Steering Committee | MTO Technical Consultation Portal).
As noted in the attached Program Guide, the deadline date for all applications is: Monday, January 27, 2025 at 5:00pm.
Application Package: