Notification of Intent to Apply for a Discovery Grant
Please note the following important news from NSERC regarding the start of the new Discovery Grant competition cycle. Below, researchers will see that the new Common CV (CCV) is now part of the submission of the Notification of Intent to Apply. The NSERC CCV will take time to complete the first time, so researchers are strongly encouraged to begin working on their NSERC CCVs far in advance of the August 1 deadline.
Original Notice from NSERC sent to the Office of Research Services:
A list of known potential applicants (researchers on the last instalment of a Discovery Grant or who applied unsuccessfully in the 2013 competition) is posted on NSERC’s Secure Site. We have contacted these researchers directly by email and have sent them a copy of the Important Notice from NSERC. Some potential applicants are unknown to us. We ask you to direct other researchers to the Important Notice and the program description for more information. These researchers could be new faculty members or researchers who have not applied in the recent past.
Grantees are encouraged to verify the balance of their current Discovery Grant (DG) account before applying. If the available funds are sufficient to cover anticipated expenditures through the next fiscal year, they can choose to request a deferral of installment or take advantage of the automatic one-year extension to use the accumulated funds prior to submitting a new request for funding. Refer to the Administration Matters and the Annual Funding of Grants sections of theTri‑Agency Financial Administration Guide for more information. Postponing an application does not adversely affect the review of the next application, but rather demonstrates good fiscal management of the funds and allows the grantee to re-organize his/her activities and postpone the application date by one year. It also provides the opportunity for NSERC to fund other researchers with more urgent needs.
New Application Process for Discovery Grants
As you know, starting this year, researchers applying for a Discovery Grant must submit a NOI using the new Research Portal and the NSERC CCV (requirement for applicant and co-applicants). Completing the CCV the first time can be time consuming. We ask you to remind applicants to start completing their CCV early and allow ample time to complete this task in order to meet the NOI deadline date.
NSERC is presently working on the University’s interface for the Portal. We will provide you with updates on the development at a later time.
Useful Links
Research Portal resource page
Frequently Asked Questions (portal and CCV)
Instructions (NOI and CCV)
Research Tools and Instruments (RTI) Program
NSERC continues to use its current on-line system for the RTI Program (F100 and F101). The new program descriptions and instructions on how to complete an application will be available on the NSERC website in early August.
If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail at coord@nserc‑ or by phone at 613-996-8020.
Catherine Podeszfinski
Chief, Program Operations Unit
Research Grants & Scholarship Division