School of Nursing Uniforms

Students in Scrubs

Students will be required to wear scrubs while in the lab setting.  In first-year, these are the NURS 1080 labs (all year) and the NURS 1512 labs (winter term).  These scrubs can be any colour or style you wish but must be professional-looking and clean. 

When students go into the clinical setting (winter term in the first year), they are required to wear the LU Nursing scrub uniform.  This uniform is worn for all your clinical placements throughout the nursing program - Years 1-4. 

The uniform is blue (specifically Postman Blue), with BScN Student embroidered in white on the upper left side of the scrub top (see image below).  Students are allowed to wear matching Postman blue scrub pants OR black scrub pants (must be professional-looking and clean).

The LU Nursing uniform top can be purchased in a number of ways from Uniform Pros. This is the only vendor that sells the uniform top.  You can visit their store location (1018 Victoria Ave E, Thunder Bay, ON P7C 1B6  Phone: (807) 623-2232), or you can purchase scrubs online.

You can also purchase good condition "second hand" uniform scrubs through the Lakehead University Nursing Association -  LUNA

You can purchase your scrub pants from Uniform Pro (Postman blue or black) or purchase black scrub pants from a vendor of your choice. A long black skirt may be worn for the purpose of religious accommodations. 

You will also need to have clean shoes (preferably runners).  Shoes must have closed heels and toes, be wipeable and non-porous, slip resistant, quiet, flexible, and in good repair. Running shoes of solid colour are permitted with no large print advertising. Shoes designated for clinical must not be worn outside of the clinical setting.


Students in Scrubs

Please refer to the School of Nursing Uniform Policy for more information.