2014-2015 Colloquium
2014-2015 Department of Mathematical Sciences Colloquia
Speaker: Dr. Xuan Li, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Minnesota Duluth
Title: Randomization in Misclassified Response Adaptive Clinical Trials
Date: Monday, March 16, 2015
Time: 3:30 - 4:30 pm
Room: RB 2044
Abstract: In this presentation I will talk about some important issues and methods of response adaptive randomization when outcomes are subject to misclassification. We consider response adaptive designs and their optimal allocations under various objectives in the presence of imperfectly measured responses. We present the asymptotically best response adaptive randomization procedure and mismeasurement effects on the optimal allocation.
A new design under the variance-penalized criterion and some related simulationresults are also discussed. This is joint work with Dr. Xikui Wang, Department of
Statistics, the University of Manitoba, Canada.
Speaker: Dr. Marepalli Rao, Professor, Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati
Title: Shape Analysis: Issues and Problems
Date: Friday, March 20, 2015
Time: 3:30 - 4:30 pm
Room: RB 1022
Abstract: In Shape Analysis we work with landmark data. Suppose one wants to compare the shape of skulls of male and female gorillas. A morphometrician selects a fixed number of landmarks on each of the contours of the skulls and the data consist of coordinates of the landmarks. Analysis of such landmark data is within the purview of Shape Analysis. A number of such examples will be presented and discussed. One of the topics getting a good
coverage in the presentation is how to introduce distributions on the Shape Space.