Appointment of Visiting Professors and Visiting Research Students at Lakehead University


Lakehead University considers Visiting Scholars or VS (visiting professors, visiting undergraduate research students and visiting graduate research students) to be an integrPaleo-DNA Labal part of the University community who can contribute significantly to the institutional mission. Therefore, the University is committed to making opportunities and facilities available to qualified scholars so that they can continue their advanced study and research in collaboration with, Lakehead faculty. The University recognizes the statuses of:
1. Visiting Professors
2. Visiting Undergraduate Research Students
3. Visiting Graduate Research Students
For each of this type of visitor, the University is committed to create and maintain an academic environment that will encourage and support the research activities of these visiting scholars. The University, on the other hand, requires that visiting scholars will comply with University policies and regulations, and acknowledge their affiliation with the University in their publications and in their participation in other academic and societal activities. The Office of the Vice-President Research and Innovation will be the administrative unit responsible for the appointment of visiting scholars at Lakehead University. 

Definitions and Appointment Procedure:

A Visiting Professor (VP) at Lakehead University is defined as a scholar from another university or research institution who wishes to pursue independent and/or collaborative research.  In addition:
  • A VP should be appointed on a term basis supported by an external research grant, scholarship or equivalent support, including research leave from his/her home institution;
  • A VP should collaborate or work with a full-time Lakehead faculty member;
  • The appointee is expected to publish the results of his/her research and scholarly work during the period of the appointment with acknowledgement to Lakehead.
A Visiting Undergraduate Research Student or a Visiting Graduate Research Student is enrolled at another accredited post-secondary institution but being supervised by a Lakehead faculty member.
  • When a VS is an undergraduate or graduate student from another institution wishing to receive research training, the appointment should be normally less than one year, supported by an external research grant or equivalent support, including financial support from his/her home institution;
Appointments of VS are made by the Vice-President Research following consideration of a recommendation by a Lakehead University faculty member. This recommendation must include the following:
1) A completed appointment form (also available from Research Services). The application requires information on:
  • the academic nature of the appointment and proposed research, co-signed by the applicant (VS) and the faculty supervisor;
  • description of academic support to be provided by the host department/program (secretarial or technical assistance, office, research space, phone, fax, photocopying, etc.);
  • the duration of the appointment;
  • if applicable, the financial support (source, amount) available during the duration of appointment;
  • personal contact information and emergency contact information of the applicant, and
  • A curriculum vitae of the applicant.
2) A letter of support recommending University appointment of the applicant as a VS at Lakehead and affiliation with their department/program.
The application must be signed by the department/program Chair and the relevant Faculty Dean, indicating agreement to the academic support indicated. Recommendations with the above noted information should be sent to the Office of the Vice-President Research and Innovation at least three months prior to the expected date of appointment for consideration by the Vice-President Research and Innovation.


University Registration:

Visiting Scholars must officially register with the Office of the Vice-President Research and Innovation. VS will be provided with letters of appointment from the Vice-President Research and Innovation and a package of information about the university and its academic policies (see Appendix I for details). Copies of the letters of appointment will be given to the Human Resources Office and Office of Financial Services. Payment of VS stipends will normally be made through Human Resources. In some cases, payment of VS stipends or reimbursement of expenses will be made through the Office of Financial Services. All original copies of registration materials will be kept in the Office of the Vice-President Research and Innovation.
Visiting Research Students (VRS) will be registered through the Office of Research Services in a non-credit bearing course (RESE 7010 for undergraduate students, or RESE 7030 for graduate students) and hold full-time student status. Registration in RESE 7010/7030 does not count towards any degree, and does not permit the VRS to register for any other courses; VRS are expected to work full-time on their research during their stay. VRS do not pay tuition, but do pay ancillary fees and mandatory health insurance (UHIP). Payment of ancillary fees gives access to student health and wellness services, as well as campus recreation facilities and other student services. 


Upon registration, VS will have access to the various services and facilities offered by the University, including: library, research services, computer services, and access to athletic facilities and parking permits at standard rates for university faculty. Health insurance (UHIP) programs are available at applicable rates, subject to citizenship status and funding.
Visiting Research Students who pay ancillary fees will additionally have access to student health services and campus recreation facilities among other student services.  



VS will be subject to regular university fees such as parking, athletics and health insurance programs.

Application of University Policies:

The established policies and regulations of Lakehead University apply to the responsibilities and activities of Visiting Scholars, including, for example, intellectual property (IP), research ethics, research integrity and harassment and discrimination policies. The University reserves the right to terminate appointments of VS if breaches of University policy are demonstrated.


Remuneration and Financial Support:

It is understood that a VS may receive financial support from the University in the form of a stipend.  VS are not considered employees of Lakehead University and are not therefore eligible for employee benefits. In the case where a VP is assigned to teach part-time as a sessional lecturer, the terms and conditions outlined in the Lakehead University Faculty Association (LUFA) must be followed. When VSs hold financial support from an external agency, the restrictions and regulations of these granting agencies must be observed. The rate of remuneration to VS paid through Tri-council research grants must adhere to the minimum and maximum salary ranges set by NSERC, SSHRC and CIHR.


Use of Research Facilities

VS will be given access to research facilities associated with the Lakehead University Centre for Analytical Services and will be subject to the same policies and academic rates enjoyed by full-time faculty. Some research facilities may have specific policies and procedures for post-doctoral fellows and visiting scholars to access these research facilities. For example, all VSs wanting to access the facilities of the Paleo-DNA Laboratory will be required to complete a Paleo-DNA Availability Agreement.

Further Details

Appointment & Registration of Visiting Scholars

Following review of a completed application for VS status at Lakehead, signed by the applicant, a full-time Lakehead faculty member (as sponsor for the VS), the department/program Chair and Faculty Dean, a letter of appointment will be issued by the Vice-President Research and Innovation. This letter will be copied to the faculty sponsor for VS, Faculty Dean and department/program Chair. The letter will identify the Office of the Vice-President Research and Innovation as the administrative unit responsible for registering VS at Lakehead.

At the time of official registration with the Office of the Vice-President Research and Innovation, new VS appointments will be provided with a: University calendar, and other general information about the University (as appropriate); Copies of New Faculty Research Orientation Handbook and any other relevant University policies (e.g. Research Ethics policies). Arrangements will be made for the VS to be issued an e-mail address and identification card.