Operating Grant : HIV/AIDS and STBBI Community-Based Research
How to Apply:
The specific objectives of this funding opportunity are:
- To promote the creation of new knowledge that is relevant to communities affected by HIV/AIDS and/or other STBBI in Canada;
- To promote the dissemination of new knowledge and uptake of evidence into action to enhance the community response to HIV/AIDS and/or other STBBI;
- To develop partnerships between researchers and affected communities;
- To build capacity in the knowledge user community to engage in research and use evidence in their everyday business;
- To build the next generation of HIV/AIDS and STBBI CBR researchers through meaningful engagement of trainees in high quality CBR projects; and
- To reduce the incidence of new HIV/AIDS infections and/or other STBBI in key populations by focusing research on prevention efforts.
External Deadline:
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Funding Source:
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