Call for Innovative Solutions To Support Autonomous Technology for Timber Supply Logistics

How to Apply: 

Call For Advanced Technology

There have been significant technological advancements in autonomous infrastructure within the transportation and mining industry with heavy duty equipment, trucks, buses, recreational vehicles and others used for goods movement. We are interested in how companies and organizations with technical readiness can assist the forestry industry in advancing their current operations and utilizing existing Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).


Across Ontario, the forestry industry is faced with timber hauling logistics challenges. Currently, the hauling capacity cannot match the pace of harvesting equipment and mill consumption. Wood is often left roadside longer than it should be in many forest management units, waiting for transportation before being brought to the mills. Ultimately, wood left roadside leads to issues at various processing facilities, including lack of inventory in yards and increased costs.

Nextfor, in partnership with The Nawiinginokiima Forest Management Corporation (NFMC) are interested in identifying parties who can bring innovative, technical solutions to address the identified timber hauling logistics challenges.

Goals and Outcomes

The purpose of this EOI is to gain an understanding of the available state of technology and organizational capacity to undertake future full-scale field trial(s) and pilot projects to demonstrate innovative technology and solutions to the identified challenge, specifically:

  • Explore available technologies and providers who can address the logistics issues facing wood transport processes,
  • Find technology (hardware or software) in the pre-commercial or commercial stage which addresses the unique needs of the forestry sector, and;
  • Identify and connect a consortium of service providers for future RFP and logistics opportunities.
External Deadline: 
Friday, September 11, 2020
Funding Source: 
Funding Level: 