SI Rapid Response

How to Apply: 

NMIN’s Strategic Initiative (SI) program focuses on supporting just-in-time research development, commercialization and knowledge mobilization/transfer opportunities that arise in-year and/or require a rapid response in order to generate, promote or accelerate the economic and social benefits of previous or new NMIN or related research investments. These funds are intended to provide support for research, post-discovery commercialization, business planning and knowledge dissemination, mobilization, or translation activities. The projects must be scaled to be achievable within a one-year/12-month timeframe and be aligned with NMIN’s mission and vision. Ideally, the SI will be undertaken in partnership with NMIN partners, stakeholders, and/or end-user organizations.

NMIN will consider support for proposed projects that can be completed within a period of one year, and that include, but are not limited to, at least one of the following objectives:

1. Facilitation of projects that provide strategic added value to NMIN-funded research and development initiatives, as well as nanomedicine-related contributions to non-NMIN funded initiatives. Preference will be given to projects that are related or add value to existing NMIN funded projects. (Refer to NMIN’s Project Database.)

2. Development of a business plan towards facilitating a commercial legacy for NMIN research investments/teams.

3. Contribution to the translation, mobilization and/or application of NMIN-funded research findings to accelerate Canadian innovation, productivity and economic competitiveness and/or improve the quality of life for Canadians.

4. Development of policy frameworks, national strategies, tools, technologies, products, and/or services arising from NMIN research and/or aligned with NMIN’s vision and mission.

Budgets may be requested for a maximum of one year to a maximum value of $50,000.00.

External Deadline: 
Friday, August 14, 2020
Funding Source: 
Funding Level: 