Performance Objectives Related to Research Security


Report on Research Security Performance Objectives for 2022-23

Project Title

Output (Investment of Research Security Funds)

Performance Objective

Performance Indicator

Target Outcome

Development of comprehensive research data guidelines and classification standard – Phase 1.

$39,415 invested in hiring an external consultant to aid in the development of research data guidelines and classification standard.

Creation of  research data guidelines and classification standard.

External consultant hired by March 1, 2023. Draft research data guidelines and classification standard presented to Vice-President, Research and Innovation by  June 30, 2023.

Guidelines drafted.  Proceeding to internal review and implementation.


Forecast:  Research Security Performance Objectives for 2023-24

Project Title

Output (Investment of Research Security Funds)

Performance Objective

Performance Indicator

Target Outcome

Development of comprehensive research data guidelines and classification standard – Phase 2.$50,432 to be invested in the review and implementation stage of the  development of research data guidelines and classification standard.Following internal review of the new draft guidelines, creation of a training program and other resources for our researchers, Research Ethics Board and other related internal committees.Internal review of draft research data guidelines and classification standard /  development and implementation  of a training module and other resources on the draft data guidelines and research security between July 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024.