Resources for Researchers
- Template: Letter of Information and Consent Form
- Guideline - Respecting Students as Research Participants
- Guideline - Sex and Gender-inclusive Research
- Demystifying the Process - Reciprocity between LU and the TBRHSC (presentation)
- SOP: REB Review Process for Protocols with Approval from External REBs
- SOP: Use of online web-based survey tools for research with human participants
- Guidelines on Project Amendment vs. New Protocol Submission
- Eligibility for Delegated Review: Minimal Risk Criteria
- Indigenous Research Resources
- Research Data Guidelines and Classification Standard
Administrative Resources
- Research Ethics Board Terms of Reference
- Guideline for the Review of More than Minimal Risk Projects
- SOP: Issuing a Halting Order, a Suspension, or Termination of REB Approval
- SOP: Teaching Protocols involving human participants for course-based research (undergraduate and graduate level)
External Resources
- Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS2)
- On-Line Tutorial for the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS2)
- Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research
- National Aboriginal Health Organization: OCAP: Ownership, Control, Access, and Possession
- N2 Network of Networks REB SOPs
(NOTE: Lakehead University SOPs, when available, supersede those posted through N2)