Faculty Meeting Friday, October 20, 2006

Friday, October 20, 2006 - 12:00am
ATAC 5035
There will be a meeting of the Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
1.        LUSU student representatives - F. Dawood, M.Granville
2.       Approval of Agenda.
3.       HBEd (Aboriginal Education) Presentation - J. O'Sullivan, E. Gardner.
4.       Approval of the September 15th Minutes.  
5.       Business Arising from the Minutes.
6.        Course Evaluations doc. 1 and doc. 1(a)
7.       Dean's Report.
8.       Departmental Reports.
English (calendar changes and Ph.D. program proposal - approval in principle) doc. 2 and doc. 2(a)
Sociology (calendar changes) doc. 3 and doc. 3(a)
Visual Arts (calendar changes) doc. 4
9.       Other Business.
10.       Adjournment.
Chair, Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty Council.
A meeting of the Faculty Council was held on Friday, September 15, 2006 at 1:30 p.m. in the ATAC Board Room 5035.
B. Strang called the meeting to order and called for nominations for the Chair of the Faculty Council.
T. Dufresne nominated V. Smith.  V. Smith accepted the nomination.
It was moved by T. Dufresne and seconded by J. Leggatt that V. Smith assume the role of Chair of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities Council.
1.   Approval of Agenda
It was moved by G. Hayes and seconded by M. Richardson that the agenda be approved.
2.   Presentation - Science and Environmental Studies Changes to Entrance Requirements.  (Dr. Lesley Lovett-Doust). (Attachment)
V. Smith welcomed L. Lovett-Doust to Council.
L. Lovett-Doust distributed a summary of her presentation to members. She went on to explain the rationale behind the changes to the entrance requirements that were passed at the last Senate meeting (SEE ATTACHED DOCUMENT).
It was moved by G. Hayman and seconded by M. MacLean that the Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty Council approve the entrance requirement changes passed by Senate at its last meeting on the condition that they are also passed by the Department of Psychology.
3.   Approval of the Minutes
It was moved by S.D. Stone and seconded by M. Richardson that the minutes of September 15th be approved with the following correction:
Under Attendance, "J. Sidall" should be changes to "G. Siddall."
4.  Business Arising from the Minutes.
There was none.
5.         Introduction of New Colleagues.
B. Strang welcomed Emily Auger from the Visual Arts Department. 
6.         Faculty Council Meeting Schedule.
Council noted the schedule for meetings with no objections.
7.         SS&H Key Dates 2006-07.
Council noted the key dates.
B. Strang pointed to the following:
.the drop/add dates for this year.  According to a recent e-mail from the Registrar's Office, these dates would be more strictly enforced.  Those students on waiting lists may have to reconsider their choices.
.the PTR date of September 30th.
.the merit applications are due in the middle of October once again this year. The Merit Committee process has changed and members of the committee will be selected from the pool of merit applicants.
8.         Dean's Report
B. Strang reported.
Decanal Search
B. Strang's term as Acting Dean will end on December 31st.  He will not apply for the post of full-time dean.
External applications for the position have been received and reviewed.  Internal candidates are encouraged to apply to ensure that there is broad range of choice for the position.
Enrolment numbers are good.  They seem to be up by a few hundred over last year's figures.
Our faculty has increased its first year student enrolment to 790.  Last year at this time it was 750.
This year the university is in a better position for BIUs.  The distribution is better and there are more students moving up in the programs.
Graduate enrolment is down by 10.  It is expected that numbers will increase. An expansion of graduate programs is being encouraged as more government funding has become available for graduate programs. 
Growth Positions
This year the university does not recognize replacement positions.  Departments will have to provide strong arguments for new faculty.  Because of the provincial funding policy, growth positions appear to be linked to graduate programs.  The money from the province is directed towards the expansion of existing graduate programs and the creation of new ones.   An increase in graduate enrolment will provide more money.
Modular Degree
L. Lovett-Doust and B. Strang are working towards developing a new set of calendar changes for combined majors.  It is hoped that a new template will be created within the faculty to provide students with more options.  This falls within the Academic Plan.  A discussion followed.
Senate Teaching and Learning Committee Draft Report
G. Siddall informed Council that the report will be presented at the next Senate meeting with a number of recommended changes.  B. Strang encouraged members to attend the next meeting of Senate and take an active role.
Durables Budget
Ideas about changes in the physical plan for the University such as labs for students, physical change to the university or alternative ways of using durables should be forwarded to the Dean.  The application deadline for this money is October 2nd
Law School
A proposal to create a school of legal studies which would serve the northern region is well underway.  It is expected that the formal proposal will be finalized this year.  Discussion followed.
The budget process will not be the same as last year. There will be new criteria for allocating funds.  There will be no decisions regarding budget before November 1st.  It will be after November 14th that hiring or replacement decisions will be made. 
Faculty chairs are currently meeting to discuss budget issues before putting their requests forward.  There is currently no university policy in place with regard to replacements.  Departments should be thinking about their request for growth positions now to assist with preparation for the budget process in mid-October.
9.         Departmental Reports
i)   Sociology Calendar Changes
It was moved by S.D. Stone and seconded by G. Hayman that the Sociology changes be approved.
ii)  Sociology Adjunct Professors
It was moved by S.D. Stone and seconded by G. Munro that Dr. Gary Boire, Dr. Jane Crossman, Dr. Harvey Lemelin and Dr. Raija Warkentin be approved as Adjunct Professors in the Department of Sociology.
10.       Other Business
Graduate Student Representative for the Graduate Studies Council
A faculty graduate student representative is required on the Graduate Studies Council. B. Strang asked Departments to provide names of student volunteers willing to serve.  The Dean's office will coordinate a vote if necessary.  The name of the chosen student will then be forwarded to Lynn Gollat of Graduate Studies.
Leadership Conference
B. Strang distributed a Lakehead University Leader Conferences publication.  He noted that the Vice-President (Academic) has arranged for these presentations over the next five weeks on Tuesdays for approximately an hour and a half commencing at 12:30 p.m.  Registration for those wishing to attend is required and can be done through Maria Dufresne at mdufresn@lakeheadu.ca.   Refreshments will be served.  Those interested are encouraged to attend.
The meeting adjourned at   3:03 p.m.
E. Auger
A. Carastathis
T. Dufresne
E. Epp
G. Hayman
S. Islam
D. Ivison
J. Leggatt
M. MacLean
G. Munro
J.M. Richardson
K. Santerre
M. Shannon
G. Siddall
S.D. Stone
V. Smith
B. Strang
M. Granville
Covering notes on changes to admission requirements for Science and Environmental Studies and BSc/HBSc programs.
Lesley Lovett-Doust, Dean Science and Environmental Studies
1. Attached are some minor changes to the admissions requirements that will be used for the new issue of our view book and Info! magazine (for Fall 2007), as well as posted in the Lakehead University Calendar. These changes have been discussed in SES council and reviewed by the Department chairs.
2. The rationale for most of these changes is that we would like to be in line with the other universities in the province. Our entrance requirements are presently more specific than the others. For the most part we have moved to a pattern of "2 required, 2 from a list, 2 "open choice" U or M courses".
3. The entry requirements for the BA/HBA in Geography and in Anthropology are stated separately from offerings in the faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, so that students are aware of the BA option in these departments (the view book does make this clear, but the University Calendar does not at present).
4. Similarly the requirements for the BSc/HBSc in Psychology are listed separately from the other BSc/HBSc programs, again, to let these programs stand out from the other programs in the faculty of Science and Environmental Studies.
Points 3 and 4, above, provide greater visibility to programs that may in different universities be listed either in "Social Science" or "Science" categories or faculties.
In the attached material we first reprint the information that is presently on the University Calendar website. That is followed by an annotated edit using the "Track Changes" feature of MSWord.
Note: Grade 12U English is a requirement in all of our programs. For the present we are retaining requirements for Grade 12U calculus in most programs, but note that the High School Mathematics curriculum is in a state of flux, and it may be necessary to adjust the mathematics requirements should a final decision be made.
The First set of information is the present documentation available on our Website and in the Course Calendar. Below the current version we present the revised document, with changes indicated as "track changes" in MSWord.

Admission Requirements

General Requirements:
Completion of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent. A minimum of 6 Grade 12 U or M courses, or equivalent, including program specific prerequisite courses with a minimum 70% overall average.

Degree Program

Grade 12 Requirements

Bachelor of Arts
Honours Bachelor of Arts
(see also Music, and Visual Arts below)
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English and Math; 4 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English and French; 4 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits
- 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 5 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits (Gr. 12 U Canadian History or World History recommended)
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English and Adv. Functions & Intro Calculus; 1 credit chosen from Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math or Math of Data Mgmt; and 3 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits (Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math. recommended)
- 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 5 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits; an audition and theory entrance test are required
Visual Arts:
- 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 5 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits; a portfolio is required
All Other Majors:
- 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 5 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits
Bachelor of Environmental Science
Honours Bachelor of Environmental Studies
Environmental Studies & Biology:
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English and Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus; 4 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits (Gr. 12 U Biology and Chemistry recommended)
Environmental Studies & Earth Science:
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English, Advanced Functions & Introductory Calculus, Chemistry; 3 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits (Gr. 12 U Physics recommended)
HBESc Environmental Studies & Geography:
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English and Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus; 4 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits (Gr. 12 U Biology and Canadian & World Issues: A Geographic Analysis OR Gr. 12 U World Geography: Human Patterns & Interactions recommended)
HBES Environmental Studies & Geography:
- 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 5 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits (Gr. 12 U Biology and Canadian & World Issues: A Geographic Analysis OR Gr. 12 U World Geography: Human Patterns & Interactions recommended)
Bachelor of Science
Honours Bachelor of Science
Anthropology, Applied Bio-Molecular Science, Biology, Geography, Geology, Physics, Psychology:
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English and Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus; 3 credits Gr. 12 U from: Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Geometry & Discrete Math, Math of Data Management; 1 additional Gr. 12 U or M credit
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English, Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus, Chemistry; 2 credits Gr. 12 U from: Biology, Physics, Geometry & Discrete Math, Math of Data Management; 1 additional Gr. 12 U or M credit
Computer Science:
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 English and Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus; 1 credit Gr. 12 U from: Geometry & Discrete Math, Math of Data Management; 2 credits from: Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math, Gr. 12 U Math of Data Management, Gr. 12 U Physics, Gr. 12 U Chemistry, Gr. 12 U Biology, Gr. 12 M Computer & Info Science, Gr. 12 M Computer Engineering; 1 additional Gr. 12 U or M credit (Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math and Gr. 12 M Computer & Info Sciences recommended)
General Program, Geoarchaeology, Earth Science, Natural Science:
- 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 2 credits in Gr. 12 U Math or Science or both; 3 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 English and Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus; 1 credit Gr. 12 U from: Geometry & Discrete Math, Math of Data Management; 2 credits from: Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math, Gr. 12 U Math of Data Management, Gr. 12 U Physics, Gr. 12 U Chemistry, Gr. 12 U Biology; 1 additional Gr. 12 U or M credit (Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math recommended)
Water Resource Science:
- 1 credit Gr. 12 U English, 1 credit Gr. 12 U Biology, 1 credit Gr. 12 U Chemistry; 3 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits
The text with the proposed changes: shown as "track changes" in MS-Word:

Admission Requirements

General Requirements:
Completion of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent. A minimum of 6 Grade 12 U or M courses, or equivalent, including program specific prerequisite courses with a minimum 70% overall average.

Degree Program

Grade 12 Requirements

Bachelor of Arts
Honours Bachelor of Arts
(see also Music, and Visual Arts below)
 - 1 credit in Gr.12 U English; 5 additional Gr. 12 U or M  [l1] credits
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English and Math; 4 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English and French; 4 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits
- 1 credit in Gr.12 U English; 5 additional Gr. 12 U or M  [l2] credits 
- 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 5 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits (Gr. 12 U Canadian History or World History recommended)
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English and Adv. Functions & Intro Calculus; 1 credit chosen from Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math or Math of Data Management; and 3 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits (Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math. recommended)
- 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 5 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits; an audition and theory entrance test are required
Visual Arts:
- 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 5 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits; a portfolio is required

All Other Majors:
- 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 5 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits
Bachelor of Environmental Science
Honours Bachelor of Environmental Studies
HBESc Environmental Studies & Biology:
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English and Gr. 12 U Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus; 4 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits (Gr. 12 U Biology and Chemistry recommended)
HBESc Environmental Studies & Earth Science:
- 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 1 credit from Grade 12U Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus, Grade 12U Geometry & Discrete Math, Grade 12U Math of Data Management; 4 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits (Grade 12U Chemistry or Physics recommended) 
HBESc Environmental Studies & Geography:
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English and Gr. 12 U Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus; 4 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits (Gr. 12 U Biology, and Gr. 12 U Canadian & World Issues: A Geographic Analysis OR Gr. 12 U World Geography: Human Patterns & Interactions recommended)
HBES Environmental Studies & Geography:
- 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 5 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits (Gr. 12 U Biology,  and Gr. 12 U Canadian & World Issues: A Geographic Analysis OR Gr. 12 U World Geography: Human Patterns & Interactions recommended)
Bachelor of Science
Honours Bachelor of Science
Anthropology, Applied Bio-Molecular Science, Biology, Geography, Northern Studies, - 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English, Gr. 12 U Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus, Gr. 12 U Chemistry; 1 credit from: Gr. 12 U Biology, Gr. 12 U Physics, Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math, Gr. 12 U Math of Data Management (Gr. 12 U Biology & Physics recommended); 2 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits [l4] 
Computer Science:
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English, Gr. 12 U Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus; 1 credit from: Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math, Gr. 12 U Math of Data Management, Gr 12M Computer & Info Science;  3 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits (Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math and Gr. 12 M Computer & Info Science recommended)
General Program, Geoarchaeology, Earth Science, Natural Science:
 - 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 2 credits from Gr. 12 U Advanced Functions &  Intro Calculus, Gr. 12 U Chemistry, Gr. 12 U Biology, Gr. 12 U Physics, Gr. 12 U Earth and Space Science, Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math, Gr. 12 U Math of Data Management, (Gr. 12 U Biology, Chemistry or Physics recommended); 3 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits [l5] 
- 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 1 credit from Grade 12U Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus, Grade 12U Geometry & Discrete Math, Grade 12U Math of Data Management; 4 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits 
- 1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English, Gr. 12 U Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus; 1 credit from: Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math, Gr. 12 U Math of Data Management;  1 credit from Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math, Gr. 12 U Math of Data Management, Gr. 12 U Physics, Gr. 12 U Chemistry, Gr. 12 U Biology; 2 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits (Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math recommended)
1 credit each in Gr. 12 U English and Gr. 12 U Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus; 2 credits from: Gr. 12 U Chemistry, Gr. 12 U Biology, Gr. 12 U Physics, Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math, Gr. 12 U Math of Data Management (one of Gr. 12 U Biology or Chemistry recommended); 2 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits
Water Resource Science:
- 1 credit in Gr. 12 U English; 3 credits from Gr. 12 U Advanced Functions &  Intro Calculus, Gr. 12 U Chemistry, Gr. 12 U Biology, Gr. 12 U Physics, Gr. 12 U Earth and Space Science, Gr. 12 U Geometry & Discrete Math, Gr. 12 U Math of Data Management, (Gr. 12 U Biology, Chemistry and Advanced Functions & Intro Calculus recommended); 2 additional Gr. 12 U or M credits [l6] 

 [l1]Add in specific reference to the requirements for the BA Geography, and BA Anthropology (they are explicit in the view book)
 [l2]Add in specific reference to the requirements for the BA Geography, and BA Anthropology (they are explicit in the view book)
 [l3]Changes parallel those in competing programs elsewhere (4 + 2)
 [l4]Changes parallel those in competing programs elsewhere (4 + 2)
 [l5]Changes parallel those in competing programs elsewhere (4 + 2)
 [l6]Changes parallel those in competing programs elsewhere (4 + 2)

Faculty Meeting Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday, September 11, 2009 - 12:00am
ATAC 5035
Date:              September 10, 2009
To:                  Members, Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities 
From:             Victor Smith, Chair, Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty Council
Subject:         COUNCIL MEETING             
There will be a meeting of the Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
 1.        Approval of Agenda.
 2.        Approval of the May 14, 2009 Minutes.   
 3.        Business Arising from the Minutes.
 4.        Introduction of New Colleagues.
            (CHAIRS:   Please invite new colleagues to this meeting and please be prepared to introduce and welcome them to our Council.)
 5.        Registrar's Report.
 6.        Dean's Report.
 7.        Interim Strategic Plan Committee.
 8.        Departmental/School Reports.
            i) Languages - Calendar Changes
            ii) Sociology - Calendar Changes
                 Sociology - Nine Calendar Changes
            iii) English - Adjunct Professor - Dr. Philip Allingham (Education)
 9.        Other Business.
10.       Orillia Report.
11.       Adjournment.           
VICTOR SMITH, Chair, Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty Council.
 THURSDAY, May 14, 2009
A meeting of the Faculty Council was held on Thursday, May 14, 2009 at 1:30 pm in the ATAC Board Room 5035.
H. Smith was Acting Dean.
Approval of Revised Agenda
It was moved by M. Beaulieu and seconded by M. MacLean that the revised agenda be approved.
Approval of the Minutes
It was moved by S.D. Stone and seconded by M. MacLean that the minutes of April 30, 2009 be approved.
Business Arising from Minutes
There was none.
Registrar's Report
Prior to our Faculty Council meeting, Brenda Nelson circulated the lists of graduands to all Departments and Schools.  Brenda suggested that each Chair/Director review the lists if they have not already done so and report any changes/errors. 
It was moved by M. Beaulieu and seconded by P. Jasen that the list of Graduands be approved.
It was moved by M. Beaulieu and seconded by A. Carastathis that the Dean of the Faculty, the Chair/Director of the Department/School and the Registrar be empowered to approve graduands who do not appear on the convocation list, but who are found to have completed all the of requirements for their undergraduate degrees and diplomas by the day of convocation; and similarly, the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, the Chair/Director of the Department/School and the Registrar be empowered to approve graduate degrees and diplomas; and that such graduands be placed on record by Senate at the next Senate meeting following the meeting at which graduands are normally approved.
Dean's Report
There was no report.
Departmental/School Reports
i) Calendar Changes - Department of Aboriginal Education
J. O'Meara spoke about the revised calendar changes.  He informed Council that SUSC was satisfied with the changes and that they will be passed at Senate tomorrow.
It was moved by D. McPherson and M. Beaulieu that the revised calendar changes be approved.
ii) Calendar Changes for Philosophy
It was moved by R. Berg and seconded by M. Beaulieu that the proposed calendar change for the Honours BA (Philosophy), (fourth year line be changed to read "Any three of Philosophy 4311, 4313, 4314, 4317, 4318 or 4715."), be approved.
Orillia Report
A. den Otter reported that they were still waiting to hear back from AEC regarding the renewal of existing term contract lecturers.  Several have reached the end of their three-year maximum time for term appointments. She stated that clearly they need full-time faculty at Orillia, preferably tenure track positions.  In the absence of new tenure-track positions in Arts and Science at Orillia, she is lobbying for extensions of the term contracts beyond 3 years.
Graduation in Orillia will take place on June 6.
The groundbreaking ceremony will take place on June 11.
Other Business
There was none.
The meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m.
Thunder Bay Campus
V. Smith
B. Nelson
M. MacLean
J.M. Richardson
D. McPherson
S.D. Stone
M. Beaulieu
M.N. Rinn©
J. Leggatt
P. Jasen
G. Munro
J. O'Meara (guest)
H. Smith (Acting Dean)
A. Carastathis
S.S. Islam
D. Jobin-Bevans
R. Berg
Orillia Campus
A. den Otter
B. Cuthbertson
J. Nicholas
G. Siddall

Faculty Meeting Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday, September 13, 2013 - 12:00am
ATAC 3004

Date:        September 12, 2013

To:            Members, Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

Subject:     COUNCIL MEETING         

There will be a meeting of the Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2013 FROM 10:00 AM TO 11:30 AM IN ATAC 3004.

Special Guests:  President Brian Stevenson and Provost Rod Hanley

Presentation:     Dr. David Greenwood - Director, Centre for Place and Sustainability Studies
                           CRC in Environmental Education _________________________________________________________________  
 1.    Approval of Agenda.  
 2.    Approval of the March 5, 2013 Minutes.    

 3.    Business Arising from the Minutes.

 4.    Introduction of New Colleagues.

 5.    Registrar's Report.
 6.    Dean's Report.

 7.    Faculty Recruitment Brochure.

 8.    Departmental/School Reports.

    i)  History - Renewal of Internal Adjunct - Dr. Geoffrey Hudson
         - Appointment of Professional Associates - Ms. Sara Janes and Ms. Christina Wakefield
         - Calendar Changes - BA History (online); History Graduate Changes; Undergraduate Changes; Prerequisite Changes;
    ii) Sociology - Calendar Changes - New Course/Name Change.

 9.    Orillia Report.

10.    Other Business.
     i)  ONCAT Report - A. den Otter

11.    Adjournment.    


A meeting of the Faculty Council was held on Tuesday, March 5, 2013 at 9:00 am in ATAC Board Room 3004.

Approval of Agenda
It was moved by J. Roth and seconded by M. Beaulieu that the agenda be approved.
Approval of the Notes
It was moved by D. Ivison and seconded by M. Beaulieu that the notes of February 1, 2013, be approved as amended.
Business Arising from Notes


Registrar's Report

B. Winter stated that convocation for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities will take place Saturday afternoon.  All Deans are encouraged to attend the ConEd graduation as in the past couple of years.  This is seen as a positive move as the students are recognized in two faculties.  The data for the timetable is in progress and should be finished before June 15, 2013.  B. Winter stated that the enrolment numbers are flat and that we are holding our own.  She also discussed three alternate dates for Senate meetings.

Dean's Report for Faculty Council

1.    Deans are being asked to review their budgets:

a.    Reduction of sessional and contract lecturers
b.    Reduction of carry forward
c.    Low enrolment courses
d.    Raising enrolment caps.

While I think we have very little fat in our budgets, I do ask that you review your offerings and consider eliminating low enrolment courses unless there is a compelling reason for offering them.  Clearly, though, one of the reasons we are relying increasingly on contract lecturers is that we have lost so many full time faculty members and with no concomitant increase in our contract lecturer budget.

Dean's Report for Faculty Council - continued

2.    Research and Innovation Week.  I want to thank everyone who participated this
year.  We had our best ever showing at the mall.

3.    Reminder to follow the Faculty policy on handling cases of academic misconduct.  The time of year is approaching where these kinds of issues come up, and it is important that we handle them consistently within the Faculty.  There are still a number of departments from whom I receive no complaints.  

Departmental/School Reports

i)  History - External Adjunct - Dr. T. Tronrud

It was moved by M. Beaulieu and R. Berg that Dr. T. Tronrud be appointed as External Adjunct to the Department of History.

Orillia Report

S. Kurissery reported that the PTR results were in and all renewals and one promotion were approved.  
The undergraduate report was submitted and they were now preparing for the reviewers.  
Research and Innovation week was very successful.  

Other Business


The meeting adjourned at 9:45 am, moved by M. Beaulieu and J. Roth.

Thunder Bay Campus

B. Vernier-Larochette
I. Lem©e
D. McPherson
R. Berg
J. Roth
D. Ivison
C. Southcott
M. Beaulieu
G. Siddall
V. Smith
Orillia Campus

A. den Otter
M. Stevenson


R. Koster
H. Lemelin
S.S. Islam


Faculty Meeting Friday, September 15, 2006

Friday, September 15, 2006 - 12:00am
ATAC 5035
There will be a meeting of the Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Approval of Agenda.
Presentation - Science and Environmental Studies Changes  to Entrance Requirements.
(Dr. Lesley Lovett-Doust). 
Approval of the May 15th Minutes.   
Business Arising from the Minutes.
 Introduction of New Colleagues.
(CHAIRSPlease invite new colleagues to this meeting and please be prepared
 to introduce and welcome them to our Council.)
Faculty Council Meeting Schedule -2006-07. (doc. 1)
SS&H Key Dates 2006-07. (for information - doc. 2)
Dean's Report.
. Leadership Conference
.Senate Teaching and Learning Committee Draft Report
.Law School
Departmental Reports.
i)   Sociology
.  Calendar Changes (doc. 3)
.  Adjunct Appointments
(Dr. Gary Boire, Dr. Jane Crossman, Dr. Harvey Lemelin and Dr. Raija Warkentin)
Other Business.
i)        Graduate Student Representative for the Graduate Studies Council.
Chair, Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty Council.
MONDAY, MAY 15, 2006
A meeting of the Faculty Council was held on Monday, May 15, 2006 at 2:00 p.m. in the ATAC Board Room 5035.
In the absence of B. Strang, V. Smith called the meeting to order.
1.   Approval of Agenda
It was moved by A. Carastathis and seconded by H. Smith that the agenda be approved.
2.   Approval of the Minutes
It was moved by M. MacLean and seconded by S.D. Stone that the Minutes of April 11th be approved.
3.         Business Arising from the Minutes.
i           Decanal Search Committee
H. Smith, member of the Decanal Search Committee, noted that in addition to the special faculty council meetings scheduled to meet each of the three candidates,
i)          Dr. Gwyn Campbell, 9:00 a.m. on Friday, May 19th in the Senate Chambers
ii)         Dr. Livio Di Matteo, 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, May 25th in ATAC 5035
iii)         Dr. Ronald Hinch, 2:15 p.m. on Monday, May 29th in ATAC 5035,
there were also open meetings for the university community arranged as follows:
i)          Dr. Gwyn Campbell, 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 18th in the Senate Chambers
ii)         Dr. Livio Di Matteo, 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 24th in the Senate Chambers
iii)         Dr. Ronald Hinch, 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 30th in the Senate Chambers.
She also noted that CVs are available for viewing on the on-line web site of the Vice-President (Academic).
4.         Graduands
i)           Graduand List
M. Shaw provided Council members with the list of potential graduands.  He noted that there would be additional names coming forward for consideration. 
Chairs at the meeting pointed out names and student numbers of some potential graduands to the Registrar that should be included on the current list of graduands.
M. Shaw noted that graduands not on the current list, but brought forward by May 24th at 4:30 p.m., would still be included in the addendum to the convocation program.
It was moved by H. Smith and seconded by J. Leggatt that the graduand list be approved.
ii)         Dean's Medallists
G. Boire asked for guidance from council members with regard to students nominated to receive the Social Science and Humanities medals.  A discussion followed.  Glenn Alfred Halverson of the three-year program and Rhonda Barlow of the four-year program were selected.
iii)         Enabling Motion
It was moved by R. Berg and seconded by H. Smith that, as standing policy, the Dean of the Faculty, the Chair/Director of the Department/School and the Registrar be empowered to approve graduands who do not appear on the convocation list, but who are found to have completed all of the requirements for their undergraduate degrees and diplomas by the day of convocation and that similarly, the Dean of Graduate Studies, the Chair/Director of the Department/School and the Registrar be empowered to approve graduate degrees and diplomas; and that  such graduands be placed on record by Senate at the next Senate meeting following the meeting at which graduands are normally approved.
5.         Dean's Report
G. Boire reported.
i)          Start-up Money to meet Teaching Requirements
R. Blais does not currently recognize the budget sheets that have been distributed to departments.  G. Boire and L. Hayes will be meeting with R. Blais to clarify the FCEs and stipends for the departments. 
ii)         Candidates for Dean
The short list of decanal candidates,
Livio di Matteo, internal candidate
Gwyn Campbell, Washington and Lee University
Ron Hinch, Ontario Institute of Technology
will be meeting with Faculty Council.
iii)         Teleconference
G. Boire asked for a volunteer to participate in a teleconference on May 16th to answer questions about Lakehead University from prospective students and their parents.
G. Boire had nothing further to report, as there was no Deans' Council last week.  He asked members if they had any questions.
Discussion followed. 
It was noted that the Dean of Science and The Vice-President (Academic) were overseeing Orillia and that appointments would be 9 month contract appointments. 
Council was assured that budgets would not be reduced after talks with R. Blais and L. Hayes.
G. Boire thanked all chairs for their help in the process.
6.         Departmental and Committee Reports
i)          English - Adjunct Professor - Dr. Kim Fedderson
It was moved by J. Leggatt and seconded by J. Siddell that Dr. Kim Fedderson be approved as an Adjunct Professor in the Department of English.
                                                                                    Carried Unanimously.
7.         Other Business
There was none.
8.         Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m.
R. Berg
G. Boire
A. Carastathis
G. Colton
L. Di Matteo
E. Epp
R. Farrell
G. Hayman
D. Ivison
P. Jasen
J. Leggatt
M. MacLean
G. Munro
A. Nabarra
M. Nisenholt
K. Santerre
G. Siddall
C. Southcott
S.D. Stone
H. Smith
V. Smith
B. Stolar
M. Granville
C. Hartviksen
S. Islam
D. Jobin-Bevans
P. Vervoort
P. Wakewich

Faculty Meeting Friday, September 16, 2005

Friday, September 16, 2005 - 12:00am
ATAC 5035
1.       Introduction of New Colleagues & Guests:
          Gary Boire - Agenda Item 11  - 2:30 p.m.
          Anne Klymenko - Agenda Item 3
          Millo Shaw - Agenda Item 13
          John Smith - Director, Academic Advising
          Tove Tronslien - Webmaster
          (CHAIRSPlease invite new colleagues to this meeting and please 
          be prepared to introduce and welcome them to our Council.) 
2.       Approval of Agenda.
3.     "Conceptual Framework for the University's Research Plan"-A. Klymenko.
          (doc. 8a & b)
4.       Approval of the May Minutes (May 11, 12 and 13.) (doc. 1a, b, & c) 
5.       Business Arising from the Minutes.
6.       Faculty Council Meeting Schedule -2005-06. (doc. 2)
7.       SS&H Key Dates 2005-06. (For information) (doc. 3)
8.       Interdisciplinary HBA Motion. (doc. 4)
9.       Concurrent Education Motion. (doc. 5)
10.       Course Caps - Dr. Ron Harpelle. (doc. 6)
11.     Proposed Faculty of Graduate Studies - G. Boire - (2:30 p.m.- doc. 7a & b)
12.     Undergraduate Ethical Review.  (9a & b)
13.     Dean's Report.
14.     Departmental Reports.
          i        History
                    Adjunct Professor - Dr. Geoff Hudson
          ii         Philosophy
                   -renewal of adjunct professor, Dr. Jaro Kotalik
15.     Other Business.
16.     Adjournment.

Faculty Meeting Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday, September 19, 2008 - 12:00am
ATAC 5035
There will be a meeting of the Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
 1.        Approval of Agenda.
 2.        Approval of the May Minutes.   
 3.        Business Arising from the Minutes.
 4.        Introduction  of New Colleagues.
            (CHAIRS:   Please invite new colleagues to this meeting and please be prepared to introduce and  
            welcome them to our Council.)
 5.        Registrar's Report.
 6.        Dean's Report.
 7.        Departmental/School Reports.
            i) Outdoor Recreation, Park & Tourism (Brent Cuthbertson)
            ii) Political Science - External Adjunct Professor - Mr. Kevin Cleghorn
            iii) Sociology Calendar Change - Sociology 3503
 8.        Orillia Report.
 9.        Other Business.      
10.       Adjournment.
Chair, Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty Council.
 FRIDAY, MAY 16, 2008
A meeting of the Faculty Council was held on Friday, May 16, 2008 at 9:30 a.m. in the ATAC Board Room 5035.
V. Smith welcomed Orillia colleagues and then called the meeting to order.
Approval of Agenda
It was moved by G. Siddall and seconded by M. MacLean that the agenda be approved.
Gwen Wojda Report
G. Wojda provided a brief update on the status of a degree that might be offered to Continuing Education students.  It is hoped that eventually part-time students will have the opportunity to plan course choices over a 3 to 5 year period.  This would make them eligible for such a degree.  However, there are still many issues to be dealt with.
G. Wojda has had an initial meeting with the Faculty Committee to discuss concerns.  On July 2nd, when her duties return full-time to Continuing Education and Distributed Learning, she will be able to deal with this more thoroughly.  A discussion followed which noted that G. Wojda would bring the question of how registrations will be counted by Institutional Planning and Analysis.  She asked for input on faculty concerns.
Approval of the Minutes
It was moved by M. Beaulieu and seconded by J. Blahuta that the minutes of April 11th be approved.
Business Arising from the Minutes
There was none.
Registrar's Report
Automated Year Level
 It is expected that the automated year level proposal will be in operation shortly. 
Timetables for fall and winter should soon be available.
The registrar distributed a list of potential graduands.
It was moved by H. Smith and seconded by M. Beaulieu that the graduands be approved.
It was moved by M. MacLean and seconded by J. Leggatt that the Dean of the Faculty, the Chair/Director of the Department/School and the Registrar be empowered to approve graduands who do not appear on the convocation list, but who are found to have completed all the of requirements for their undergraduate degrees and diplomas by the day of convocation; and similarly, the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, the Chair/Director of the Department/School and the Registrar be empowered to approve graduate degrees and diplomas; and that such graduands be placed on record by Senate at the next Senate meeting following the meeting at which graduands are normally approved.
Dean's Report
Budget Update
At the last Deans' Council, it was announced that a new balanced budget will soon be in place which will allow for some funding and cuts.  However, the details were not provided. 
Chairs were asked to ensure to finalize all appropriate budget transfers as soon as possible.  
Modular Degree Proposal
The proposal has gone forward to Senate for approval in principal.  The goal is to get the proposal to the Senate Budget Committee and the Senate Undergraduate Studies Committee so that the many details can begin to be worked out.  The modular degree proposal will then be in place for the incoming Dean.
Faculty Restructuring
July 1st will be the date that the Department of Psychology and the School of Outdoor Recreation, Parks and Tourism will be placed in their respective new faculties.
Faculty Annual Reports
Faculty Annual Reports are due by the end of the month.
Approved positions have been advertised.   Search Committee should be set up by Departments as outlined in the University policy.
Acting Dean/Dean Email from the Vice-President (Academic)
A request via email regarding an Acting Dean and a permanent Dean and has been sent out on May 23rd by the Vice-President (Academic).  It is hoped that things will move quickly to allow for overlap.  Questions regarding the process should be directed to the Vice-President (Academic).  Discussion followed.
Departmental Reports
General Program
It was moved by M. MacLean and seconded by H. Smith that the general program calendar change be approved.
Languages Department
It was moved by M.N. Rinne and seconded by B. Stolar that the languages calendar change be approved.
Other Business
Ad Hoc Committee Report (B. Stolar) (doc. 1)
B. Stolar reported to council on the proposal to create a film studies and/or cultural studies program.  She asked for feedback  from departments on the working document.  She asked that those interested in participating in the Committee should contact her.  A discussion followed in which noted the importance of the Languages and Indigenous Learning Departments.
The meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m.
Thunder Bay Campus
M. Beaulieu 
J. Blahuta
G. Colton
A. Foshay
G. Hayman
G. Genosko
S. Islam
D. Ivison
J. Leggatt
M. MacLean
D. McPherson
M. Nisenholt
G. Munro
J. Nicholas
M.N. Rinne
G. Siddall
H. Smith
V. Smith
B. Stolar
S.D. Stone
Orillia Campus
A. den Otter
Invited Guest
G. Wojda

Faculty Meeting Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010 - 12:00am
ATAC 5035
Date:              April 21, 2010
To:                  Members, Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities 
From:             Victor Smith, Chair, Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty Council
Subject:         COUNCIL MEETING             
There will be a meeting of the Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
 1.        Approval of Agenda.
 2.        Approval of the January 7, 2010 Minutes.   
 3.        Business Arising from the Minutes.
 4.        Registrar's Report.
 5.        Dean's Report.
 6.        Departmental/School Reports.
            i)  Northern Studies  - Calendar Changes (please click on link to access)
 7.        Orillia Report.
 8.        Other Business.
            i) Academic Dishonesty
            ii) External Adjuncts - Orillia Campus
 9.        Adjournment.           
VICTOR SMITH, Chair, Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty Council.
 January 7, 2010
A meeting of the Faculty Council was held on January 7, 2010 at 2:30 pm in the ATAC Board Room 5035.
Approval of Agenda
It was moved by P. Jasen and seconded by M. MacLean that the revised agenda be approved.
Approval of the Minutes
It was moved by S.D. Stone and seconded by M. Nisenholt that the minutes of January 7, 2010, be approved.
Business Arising from Minutes
Fall Preview Day
There was discussion as to whether or not the display in the Agora was a success as there were a limited number of students who attended.  It was agreed that the academic sessions held in each department/school were very successful. 
Registrar's Report
B. Nelson was not able to attend the meeting but asked that if there were specific questions for her as a result of the meeting to please let her know.
Dean's Report for Faculty Council 
January 7, 2010 -  ATAC 5035
1.            Budget:  All of the deans have been asked to make a 3% cut.  For our Faculty, that is $310,000.  I'll be asking all Chairs to tell me what their sessional stipend needs are for next year, and to think about whether there is any room for cutting back there.  I will also be asking Chairs to let me know what the implications would be if my sessional budget were cut and I was not able to provide as many stipends as this year.  There is also still talk of hiring possibilities for this year, and so Chairs/Director should be ready to make a case for hiring needs in their departments/school.
2.            Faculty of Graduate Studies Membership Committee.  See attached for a list of faculty members who were elected to this committee.
3.            Faculty Strategic Planning Committee.  Now that the committee is elected, I would like to get started with meetings.  Sue will contact the elected members for an initial meeting.
Respectfully submitted by Dr. Gillian Siddall, Dean, Social Sciences and Humanities.
Report on Meeting of SSHRC Leaders
T. Dufresne submitted a report on the Meeting of SSHRC Leaders, December 3-4, 2009.  The report can be found on the Social Sciences and Humanities' home page. The link is as follows:    http://facssh.lakeheadu.ca/facm/suportdoc.php?sid=170.
Departmental/School Reports
i) Department of History - Calendar Changes - Undergraduate
It was moved by P. Jasen and seconded by J. Leggatt that the Undergraduate calendar change be approved.
ii) Department of History - Calendar Changes - Graduate
It was moved by P. Jasen and seconded by S.S. Islam that Graduate calendar change be approved.
iv) Department of Indigenous Learning
It was moved by R. Robson and seconded by S.S. Islam that the calendar changes be approved.
v) Northern Studies - Calendar Changes
It was moved by S.D. Stone and seconded by M.N. Rinn© that the calendar changes be approved.
Orillia Report
A. den Otter stated that she will be talking to the Chairs shortly about next year's courses.  The budget process is underway and they will be requesting tenure track positions in English, History, Media Studies, Political Studies and Sociology.  Discussion followed with regard to the hiring process.  A. den Otter stated that each department/school would be involved through videoconferencing if not in person.  It was stated that there should be clarity for all aspects of the process and that the process already in place be used. G. Siddall said she would be working out some sort of hiring process with Orillia Campus.
Other Business
M.N. Rinn© reported that the C.D. Howe Report is now posted.  It stated that research was affected by the Braun Building fire.  At the last town hall meeting, a statement was made that the fire did not affect any research.  It was agreed that it did affect research as many research material was lost.
The meeting adjourned at 3:45 pm.
Thunder Bay Campus
V. Smith
M. MacLean
S.D. Stone
P. Jasen
M. Nisenholt
G. Siddall
M.N. Rinn©
P. Wakewich
J. Leggatt
J. Roth
S.S. Islam
T. Dufresne
Orillia Campus
A. den Otter
D. Jobin-Bevans
J. Nicholas
K. Holmes
A. Carastathis
G. colton
B. Winter

Faculty Meeting Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009 - 12:00am
ATAC 5035
                                                                                                  Office of the Dean of Social Sciences and Humanities

                                                                                                                                                Tel. (807)343-8167
                                                                                                                                                Tel. (807)343-8202
                                                                                                                                                Fax (807) 766-7155
Date:              January 22, 2009
To:                  Members, Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities 
From:             Victor Smith, Chair, Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty Council
Subject:         COUNCIL MEETING             
There will be a meeting of the Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
 1.        Approval of Agenda.
 2.        Approval of the November Minutes.   
 3.        Business Arising from the Minutes.
 4.        Registrar's Report.
 5.        Dean's Report.
 6.         Departmental Reports.
            i) Philosophy - Renewal of Dr. Jaro Kotalik as Adjunct Professor - four year term.
            ii) History - Renewal of Dr. Geoffrey Hudson as Adjunct Professor - four year term.
 7.         Proposed Strategic Plan
 8.         Orillia Report.
 9.        Other Business.
10.        Adjournment.           
VICTOR SMITH, Chair, Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty Council.
A meeting of the Faculty Council was held on Friday, November 21, 2008 at 12 noon in the ATAC Board Room 5035.
V. Smith forwarded his regrets for this meeting.  H. Smith chaired.
Approval of Revised Agenda
It was moved by G. Siddall and seconded by J. Leggatt that the revised agenda be approved.
Approval of the Revised Minutes
It was moved by J. Leggatt and seconded by P. Jasen that the revised minutes for October 16th be approved.
Other Business
i) Research and Innovation Week - Dean Jobin-Bevans
D. Jobin-Bevans discussed the upcoming Research and Innovation Week which will be held in February, 2009.  There was discussion on what was done last year and what was needed for this year.  D. Jobin-Bevans will look into having a banner made.  D. Jobin-Bevans and S.D. Stone agreed to form a sub-committee which will look into such things as displays, pamphlets, posters, banner, etc.
ii) Transfer Credits
D. McPherson stated a concern about students being able to enrol with credits from another university as some credits are not equal to ours.  R. Berg stated that the only time Chairs/Directors are consulted is when the Registrar in unsure about a particular course.  R. Berg stated that there should be a standard procedure.  There is currently no process in place.  G. Siddall stated that she will follow up with the Registrar and Admissions.
iii) Spring/Summer courses
There was discussion with regard to Distance Education courses and their impact on how regular courses are counted within each department/school.
iv) Health and Safety Meeting
This discussion was a follow-up to the presentation given by Human Resources with regard to Supervisors and "due diligence."  It was stated that the definition of supervisor does not fit that of an academic Chair or Director.  Discussion followed about legal costs, insurance policies, etc.
Business Arising from the Minutes
There was none.
Registrar's Report
A. Foshay was not able to attend the meeting.  Two information emails were circulated. 
Dean's Report
Dean's Report for Faculty Council
November 21 Noon ATAC 5036
1.                  Durables:  Final Decisions have still not been made.  Should be hearing in the next few days.
2.                  Campus Climate Survey:  It was done electronically--very low response rate.  The university is going to redistribute it in hard copy.  Please take the time to fill it out.
3.                  Budget: There will be a Town Hall addressing the budget situation on December 3, and I encourage you to go.  Laurie Hayes has been given her budget assignment by AEC--she has to cut $3.6 million from her overall budget, which is about 6%.  That includes all of the faculty budgets.  She has not yet given the Deans their budget assignments because she is still thinking about the best way to handle this.  The encouraging news for us is that it seems she will not simply ask each faculty to make a 6% cut.  She plans to meet with each Dean individually to talk about each of the faculty budgets, because she realizes that the faculties are not all equal in terms of their current resources.  I believe that this way of proceeding will be advantageous for us, because we are already seriously under-resourced, and I think she knows that.  However, we will have to make some cuts, and they will not be one-time cuts.  Every university in the province of Ontario, and across the country is facing a similar situation.  Our situation is this.  We have a deficit this year of $3.6 million.  That is largely because of a shortfall in graduate student enrollment.  We know that costs are going to increase every year, largely because of salary increases, so if revenue doesn't also rise, which would be primarily through enrollment, we will be facing increasingly larger deficits.  The projected deficits, if revenue remains flat, are $6.4 million for 2009/10; $10 million for 2010/11; $16 million for 2011/12; $18 million for 2012/2013 and $51 million for 2013/2014.  Obviously we need not only to make cuts but also increase revenue.  The $3.6 million deficit we face right now is equal to 360 new enrollments.  So recruitment and retention are critical.  Also, the Vice-President of Advancement is laying out a 7-year plan today to the Finance Committee of the Board of Governors.  In the short-term, we need to look at where we can make cuts that don't compromise too seriously our ability to operate and to offer curricula and programs that maintain sufficient academic integrity.  What I need from Chairs is a list of the minimum number of courses you can offer for the next academic year.  You can give me more than one scenario.  What I would like to do is meet with each Chair and talk in person about where cuts really can be made and where they really cannot be made.  One thing Laurie has asked us to do is to look at the courses being taught by contract faculty next term that have low enrollments, to see whether that is a way we can save some money.  That way I will be in a good position to talk to Laurie.  The other thing for us all to be thinking about is ways to increase revenue.   I am going to talk to John Smith about ideas he might have about how our Faculty could increase enrollment, and if you are willing and interested in participating in that, please let me know.  I want to finish by saying that this does not necessarily mean that you should not make requests of me for money--there are some things we should be spending money on.  We just need to very mindful of the spending decisions we make.
Respectfully submitted by Dr. Gillian Siddall, Acting Dean, Social Sciences and Humanities.
Departmental Reports
Political Science- Request for Calendar Changes
It was moved by J. Leggatt and seconded by M.  that the proposed calendar changes be approved:  PS Minor Program Change; PS 4110 - Change Description; PS 4330 - Add Course; PS 2530 - Delete; PS 4211 - Delete; PS - Program Minor in Law & Politics; PS - Minor Program in International Relations; PS - Remove Prerequisites.
Sociology - Request for Calendar Changes
It was moved by S. Stone and seconded by M. Beaulieu that the minor program calendar changes be approved.
It was moved by S. Stone and seconded by J. Leggatt of a new half year course to replace the required course for Sociology majors, "Social Research Traditions," be approved.
It was moved by S. Stone and J. Leggatt that the change to SOCI 2911 be approved.
It was moved by S. Stone and seconded by M. Beaulieu that the change of SOCI 2612 and 2613 from second year courses to third year courses be approved.
It was moved by S. Stone and seconded by A. Den Otter that two new half courses with specialization in criminology offered at Orillia only be approved.
Languages - Request for Calendar Changes
It was moved by V. Schonberger and seconded by R. Berg that the proposed clarification of year levels for minors and the addition of a new half-course entitled "African and Caribbean Literature" be approved.
Women's Studies - Request for Calendar Changes (P. Jasen was Chair)
It was moved by H. Smith and seconded by M. Beaulieu that the proposed minor program calendar changes and the change in the cross-calendar course History 3105 as it relates to Women's Studies be approved.
History - Request for Calendar Changes
It was moved by P. Jasen and seconded by M. Beaulieu that the proposed minor calendar changes be approved.
It was moved by P. Jasen and S.S. Islam that all third year history course prerequisite requirements be changed from three FCE's to two FCE's be approved.
It was moved by P. Jasen and M. Beaulieu that current course, "The North American Fur Trade," be changed from a full year course to a half course be approved.
It was moved by P. Jasen and J. Leggatt that "Popular Culture in Modern Canada," be changed from a full year course to a half course be approved.
It was moved by P. Jasen and C. Southcott that the course Renaissance and Reformation Europe be changed from a third year course to a fourth year course, (cross calendared with Women's Studies), be approved.
It was moved by P. Jasen and M. Beaulieu that the new course Colonial Encounters in Canada be approved.
It was moved by P. Jasen and M. Beaulieu that the new course International Development in Historical Perspective be approved.
It was moved by P. Jasen and A. Carastathis that deletion of Canada's Foreign Economic Policy in the Twentieth Century be approved.
Philosophy - Request for Calendar Changes
It was moved by R. Berg and seconded by S.S. Islam that the proposed minor calendar changes be approved.
It was moved by R. Berg and seconded by S.S. Islam that the Professional Ethics minor calendar change be approved.
Visual Arts - Request for Calendar Changes
It was moved by M. Nisenholt and seconded by P. Jasen that the proposed minor calendar changes be approved.
Northern Studies - Request for Calendar Changes
It was moved by M. Beaulieu and seconded by J. Leggatt that the proposed description change, (ie. minor concentration to minor program), be approved. 
It was moved by M. Beaulieu and seconded by J. Leggatt that the proposed minor program calendar changes be approved.
It was moved by M. Beaulieu and seconded by C. Southcott that the proposed deletion of NS 4211 be approved.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
Economics - Request for Calendar Changes
It was moved by G. Siddall and seconded by P. Jasen that the proposed minor program calendar changes be approved.
English - Request for Graduate Calendar Changes
It was moved by J. Leggatt and seconded by D. Ivison that the proposed new Creative-Project program be approved.
It was moved by J. Leggatt and seconded by D. Ivison that the elimination of the second-language requirement be approved.
It was moved by J. Leggatt and seconded by D. Ivison that the elimination of the theory requirement be approved.
It was moved by J. Leggatt and seconded by D. Ivison that the new course listings for courses already being taught as Special Topics be approved.
Native Access Program - Request for Calendar Changes
The proposed calendar changes were deferred.
Music - Request for Calendar Changes
It was moved by A. Carastathis and seconded by C. Southcott that two new courses, MUSI 2337 and MUSI 3337, (opera), be approved. 
It was moved by A. Carastathis and seconded by M. Beaulieu that the addition of a new course MUSI 4915, (Music Criticism), be approved: 
It was moved by A. Carastathis and seconded by C. Southcott that Music 3381 (Conducting) be changed from one full course to two half courses (Music 3371 and 3372), and the addition of year level to Music 2336-3336, (Chamber Choir), be approved.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
It was moved by A. Carastathis and seconded by M. Beaulieu that the modification of the Program Requirement for the Third Year of the H.B. Mus. And H.B.A. (Music) programs  be approved. 
Orillia Report
A. Den Otter stated that they are still working on an academic plan.  K. Fedderson was hoping to have a draft ready for Monday; however, it has been tabled for further discussion on requirements for degrees, required courses, distance education courses, etc.  A. den Otter stated that they were working on a criminalization course at Orillia, and that they are also continuing to work on Environmental Studies.
The meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m.
Thunder Bay Campus
M. Beaulieu
R. Berg
S.S. Islam
D. Ivison
P. Jasen
D. Jobin-Bevans
J. Leggatt
D. McPherson
M. Nisenholt
Dr. V. Schonberger
G. Siddall
H. Smith
S.D. Stone
Orillia Campus
A. den Otter
B. Cuthbertson
A. Foshay
K. Holmes
V. Smith
B. Stolar

Faculty Meeting Monday, May 14, 2007

Monday, May 14, 2007 - 12:00am
ATAC 5035
There will be a meeting of the Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
ON MONDAY, MAY 14, 2007 AT 10:00 A.M.  IN ROOM 5035 (ATAC BUILDING).
Approval of Agenda.
Approval of the Minutes of April 10, 2007.
Business Arising from the Minutes.
Registrar's Report.
Dean's Report.
Departmental Reports.
External Adjunct Professors:
.Dr. M. Katzman and Dr. E. St. Pierre
Other Business.
Academic Dishonesty - Dr. B. Strang
Chair, Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty Council.
A meeting of the Faculty Council was held on Tuesday, April 10, 2007 at 1:30 p.m. in the ATAC Board Room 5035.
B. Strang, Acting Chair in the absence of V. Smith, called the meeting to order.
Approval of Agenda
It was moved by S. Islam and seconded by G. Munro that the agenda be approved.
Approval of the Minutes
It was moved by P. Wakewich and seconded by S. Islam that the minutes of March 9th be approved.
Business Arising from the Minutes
CFHSS Representative
It was moved by M. Richardson and seconded by J. Leggatt that Dr. Gary Boire be nominated as the faculty representative on CFHSS.
Registrar's Report (Attached)
The Report of the Registrar is attached. 
Dean's Report 
M. Richardson reported.
Regulations Regarding Letters of Permission and Exchange
Regulation changes outlined in a recent email from the Registrar will be brought forward to the Senate Academic Committee.  Discussion followed.     
Deadline for Nominations for Distinguished Instructor Award
The deadline has been extended to April 19th.
Concurrent Education Proposal
Faculty chairs met and approved the concurrent education proposal at a meeting on March 29th.  However, on April 3rd , a newer version with revisions was distributed by Dr. J. Epp on behalf of Dr. Julia O'Sullivan.  The newer version noted that certification courses may be subject to legal opinion. 
The faculties of Professional Schools and Science and Environmental Studies have not yet agreed to approve the concurrent education plans.  Discussion followed.
J. Richardson has been asked to sign a 'consultation form' prior to the next Senate meeting. 
B. Strang requested that the form be modified.  He suggested that M. Richardson propose that the word 'consultation' be replaced by 'approval' at the next Deans' Council meeting.
Native Access Program Change
A recent email noted the following change to the native access program.  Chemistry 1060 would be replaced by chemistry 1050 and chemistry 1070.   There were no objections to this change.
Final Meeting for Acting Dean
M. Richardson noted that this would be the last Council meeting he would be reporting as Acting Dean.  He thanked B. Strang and J. Vogrig for all their assistance.
B. Strang reported that the final version of the budget has not yet been distributed.  It is expected that this will be forthcoming shortly.  The faculty submission has received approval.
The timetable is expected to be released on Friday, April 13th.
Departmental Reports
There were none.
Other Business
Modular Degrees
G. Siddall chaired the meeting for this item to allow B. Strang to address this matter.
B. Strang distributed copies of a draft document regarding modular degrees.  He noted that an ad hoc committee had met over the past while to work towards a final document that could be presented at the May meeting of council.  It was noted that the departments of Music and Visual Arts would not be participating.  It is hoped that the implementation of modular degrees will be in place by 2008.  A discussion followed.
A copy of the draft document will be distributed to all chairs and M. MacLean by the dean's office. Comments should be directed to B. Strang.
The meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
E. Auger
A. Carastathis
G. Colton
G. Hayman
S. Islam
D. Ivison
J. Leggatt
M. MacLean
G. Munro
J.M. Richardson
R. Robson
J. Siddall
S.D. Stone
B. Strang
P. Wakewich
A. Foshay
M. Granville
K. Santerre
Registrar's Office Update
Update as of April 10, 2007
-          The following changes have been made to registration effective Fall/Winter 2007/2008:
o        Prerequisites will be left on allowing only those students who have finished or started the prereq to register (will cut down considerably on registration clean up)
o        Registration will start off by year level (1st day for year 4 students, 2nd day for year 3, etc.).  Spreading out the volume will alleviate some of the pressure on the server and hopefully eliminate (or at least greatly reduce) the potential of crashes
§         Once registration has opened for a year level it will remain open (ie year level 4 students can still register on the 2nd day, etc.)
§         1st year students will be able to register from the first day of registration until the last date to register
o        Graduate students registration will begin the 1st day of registration and remain open until the last date to register.
-          final touches are being added for the Fall/Winter timetable
-          Schedule is running April 10th/11th with anticipated posting to web for Chairs/Scheduling Reps to review on April 11th/12th
-          preparing Distance Education and off-site exams (approximately 700 students)
-          invigilating on-site exams for non Lakehead University students (approximately 100 students)
-          working with Learning Assistance Centre to offer/invigilate exams for special needs students
-          requests are being fulfilled within 2 day turn around
-          EDI transcripts imported/sent each day
-          transcript paper being ordered to fulfill complimentary transcripts for graduating students
-          preliminary degree audits (approximately 2600) have been completed
o        special thanks to Academic Advising for their support with degree audits
-          "no's" have been sent to Chairs for feedback
-          invitations are in process of being printed with a receipt date in the RO of April 13th
o        to be mailed by April 20th with a response date of May 11th
-          regalia (470 hoods/375 gowns) are expected week of April 16th 
-          ongoing discussions/plans for stock, auditorium, etc.
-          Coding and testing of automated continuation codes is ongoing
-          Testing is ongoing to update Marks Management for online verification  

Faculty Meeting Monday, May 15, 2006

Monday, May 15, 2006 - 12:00am
ATAC 5035
Subject:        COUNCIL MEETING                                
There will be a meeting of the Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
1.       Approval of Agenda.
2.       Approval of the April 11th  Minutes   
3.       Business Arising from the Minutes.
4.       Graduands.
5.       Dean's Report.
6.       Departmental  and Committee Reports.
i)        English - Adjunct Professor - Dr. Kim Fedderson
7.       Other Business.
8.       Adjournment.
Chair, Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty Council.
A meeting of the Faculty Council was held on Tuesday, April 11, 2006 at 1:30 p.m. in the ATAC Board Room 5035.
B. Strang called the meeting to order.
On behalf of the Faculty Council, B. Strang welcomed Dr. Gary Boire, the Acting Faculty Dean, to the meeting.  Council members introduced themselves.
1.   Approval of Agenda
It was moved by G. Munro and seconded by R. Maundrell that the agenda be approved
with the following change:
remove 6 i)  - the English Department has yet to meet to approve this item.
2.   Approval of the Minutes 
It was moved by M. MacLean and seconded by G. Sidall that the minutes of March 17th be approved.
3.         Business Arising from the Minutes.
There was none.
4.         Dean's Report
Dr. Gary Boire  provided the following report.
i)          Thanks
He thanked all those who were assisting him as Acting Dean during this transition period.
He noted that he was working  in the Social Sciences and Humanities office, generally on Tuesdays.  Currently, he is meeting with each of the faculty chairs and coordinators on an individual basis.  Three meetings have taken place so far. 
ii)         Budget
G. Boire is working with Rita Blais in order to clarify questions regarding staffing and sabbatical replacements.
iii)         Scheduling
The Registrar is concerned with timetabling errors and welcomes suggestions from departments
that will help to correct problems.
iv)        Faculty Annual Reports
A letter from the Acting Dean has been sent out to all faculty requesting that annual reports be submitted to Chairs by May 31st.  One copy should be sent to the Chair, one to Human Resources and one to the Dean's office.
v)         Deans' Council
The following items were discussed at last week's Deans' Council meeting:
1          Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection Act
The Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection Act will have an impact on the accuracy of
all distributed minutes.
2          Budget
The deans should be receiving a report on the budget numbers shortly.
3          E-Mail Policy
The proposed new e-mail policy will not happen.
4          International Tuition
International tuition fees are going to increase.  The actual figure is still to be determined.
5          Orillia Director
The new director of the Orillia Campus, Sally Ann Burnett, will be on campus tomorrow.
A question period followed.
5.         Departmental Reports
i           Calendar Changes - Economics
It was moved by L. di Matteo and seconded by H. Smith that Council approve the Economics calendar changes.
ii           Calendar Changes - Psychology
It was moved by G. Hayman and seconded by M. Stroink that the Psychology calendar changes be approved.
6.         Other Business
There was none.
7.         Adjournment.
The meeting adjourned at 1:55 p.m.
R. Berg
G. Boire
A. Carastathis
L. Di Matteo
T. Dunk
E. Epp
R. Farrell
M. Granville
G. Hayman
D. Ivison
S. Islam
J. Leggatt
M. MacLean
R. Maundrell
G. Munro
G. Siddall
S.D. Stone
M. Stroink
V. Smith
P. Wakewich
K. Santerre
B. Stolar
P. Vervoort
