PhD in Chemical Engineering

The field of Chemical Engineering caters to a large number of industrial sectors from petroleum, pulp and paper, bio-refining, cement, pharmaceutical, waste treatment, etc. The PhD program in Chemical Engineering satisfies the demands of these sectors because of the well- rounded study program that has been developed.  Our PhD program in Chemical Engineering is directed to graduates from the existing Master’s in Environmental Engineering program at Lakehead University and outstanding graduates of chemical engineering or other related programs nationally and internationally.

The objective of the program is to provide students with a strong basis for careers in chemical engineering, both in academia and in industry.  This will be achieved through a combination of course work and independent research study in which the students will be encouraged to think independently, collaborate with other researchers and provide solutions to practical problems and developments in industry in an innovative manner.

Full details on the degree requirements can be obtained by viewing the Calendar entry.


Information for Prospective Students

  • Current research areas and professors: Research areas
  • Admission requirements, fees, on-line application form and more can be found at: PhD in Chemical Engineering section in the Faculty of Graduate Studies website.
  • Financial Assistance

Information for Current Students

  • Procedures and forms
  • Program announcements

Contact Information
For information about the PhD program in Chemical Engineering contact:

Engineering Graduate Administrator
Phone: (807) 766-7140
Office: CB 4067