

Carbon Footprint Commute Calculator

Using this free carbon footprint calculator, you can calculate the carbon footprint of your commute no matter which mode of transportation you use to get to and from campus.


Alternate Work Arrangements Guideline

Lakehead University has a commitment to supporting employees and providing opportunities for flexible and diverse work arrangements.  The Alternate Work Arrangement Guideline is a step to creating innovative schedules that work for our employees to promote a quality work-life balance.

The Alternate Work Arrangement Guideline is a step towards creating an Alternate Work Arrangement Policy for Lakehead University employees. Learn more here.


Sustainability Campus Map- Thunder Bay

Sustainable Living Map



Public & Active Transportation Maps


Active Transportation Map- Thunder Bay


Public Transportation Map- Thunder Bay


Active Transportation Map- Orillia


Public Transportation Map- Orillia


Public Transportation- Simcoe County

Orillia to Barrie

LINX Route3 Brochure Map

Orillia to Midland