Recent Publications
Walton, G. and Agostinelli, G. (2021). Being boys: Shaping gender norms to weaken rape culture. DioPress. Link here.
Walton, G. (Editor; 2014). The gay agenda: Claiming space, identity, and justice. New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Peer-reviewed articles:
Walton, G. (2022). Rape culture. In Louisa Allen and Mary Lou Rasmussen (Eds.), The Palgrave encyclopedia of sexuality education. Available here.
Walton, G. (2020). Mobilizing fear to ‘set your soul free.’ Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education, 19 (2): 138-54. Available here.
Walton, G. and Beaudrow, J. (2016). Tipping the iceberg: Positionality and privilege in addressing sexual violence. Culture, Society, and Masculinities, 8 (2): 140-154. DOI:10.3149/CSM.0802.140
Walton, G. (2015). Bullying and the philosophy of shooting freaks. Confero: Essays on Education, Philosophy and Politics, 3 (2), 17-35. Available here.
Mizzi, R. and Walton, G. (2014). Catchalls and conundrums: Theorizing “sexual minority” in social, cultural, and political contexts. Paideusis, 22 (1): 81 – 90. Available here.
Walton, G. and Niblett, B. (2012 online; 2013 in print). Investigating the problem of bullying through photo
elicitation. Journal of Youth Studies.
Walton, G. (2011). TV bullies: How Glee and anti-bullying programs miss the mark. In Marshall & Sensoy
(Eds.), Rethinking popular Culture & media (pp. 216 - 222). Milwaukee, WI: Rethinking Schools.
Walton, G. (2011). Spinning our wheels: Reconceptualizing bullying beyond behaviour-focused approaches. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 32 (1), 131 – 144.
Walton, G. (2010). Forging safer learning environments by addressing homophobic bullying in schools. What Works: Research Into Practice. Research series produced by a partnership between the Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat and the Ontario Association of Deans of Education.
Walton, G. (2010). The problem trap: Revisiting policy archaeology methodology and drawing implications for anti-bullying policies. Journal of Education Policy, 25 (2): 135 – 150.
Articles for general audiences:
Walton, G. (4 December 2019). Bullying won’t be curbed until we figure out what fuels it. The Conversation. Available here.
Walton, G. (19 November 2019). Ron MacLean evades the real problem of Don Cherry’s ‘you people’ remarks. The Conversation. Available here.
Walton, G. (7 November 2018). “Boy erased”: Why conversation therapies and ex-gay ministries should be outlawed. The Conversation. Available here.
Walton, G. (16 October 2018). Harnessing the power of fear. The Conversation. Available here.
Walton, G. (16 October 2017). What rape culture says about masculinity. The Conversation. Available here. (16 December 2019: 57,200 readers, not counting reprints)
Walton, G. (20 February 2017). Can you imagine Mary Richards as a radical queer? A special issue of Flow: A Critical Forum on Television and Media Culture called Women & television comedy: A Tribute to Mary Tyler Moore.Available here.