Complexity, Culture, and Resilience (CCR) Lab
The CCR Lab is a network of collaborators, including students and former students of Dr. Mirella Stroink, with interests in Complexity, Culture, and Resilience. Disciplinary backgrounds are varied and include Psychology, Social Work, Health Sciences, Geography, and Natural Resources. As a lab, we meet a couple of times per year to provide support and a fertile space for the emergence of new ideas and collaborative projects. Students are encouraged to explore research projects beyond their theses in collaboration with other students and researchers in the lab.
Some examples of current projects include:
- Systems Thinking
- Environment of Adaptation
- Dynamic Psychological Resilience
- Perceived Food Security
- Cultural and Psychological Factors in Ecologically Sustainable Food Behaviour
- Meaning-making
- Attachment and Relationship Processes
- Applications of Social Network Analysis
- Consultation to Community groups and organizations interested in the application of Complexity and Resilience concepts (see 180 Institute)