Publications and Presentations
Refereed Monographs
McKercher, Asa, and Michael D. Stevenson. Building a Special Relationship: Canada-US Relations in the Eisenhower Era, 1953-61 (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2024)
McKercher, Asa, and Michael D. Stevenson, editors. North of America: Canadians and the American Century, 1945-60 (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2023)
Stevenson, Michael D. ‘Canada’s Greatest Wartime Muddle’: National Selective Service and the Mobilization of Human Resources during World War II (Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2001).
Refereed Documentary Editions
Bone, Andrew G., and Michael D. Stevenson, editors. How to Keep the Peace: The Pacifist Dilemma, 1935-1938 [The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell, Volume 21] (London: Routledge, 2008).
Cavell, Janice, Kevin Spooner, and Michael D. Stevenson, editors. Documents on Canadian External Relations, Volume 26, 1959 (Ottawa: Canada Communications Group, 2006).
Stevenson, Michael D., editor. Documents on Canadian External Relations, Volume 25, 1957-1958, Part II (Ottawa: Canada Communications Group, 2004).
Stevenson, Michael D., editor. Documents on Canadian External Relations, Volume 24, 1957-1958, Part I (Ottawa: Canada Communications Group, 2003).
Refereed Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Stevenson, Michael D. "Patricia Russell and Her Influence on Bertrand Russell", in Alexander Klein and Landon D.C. Elkind, eds., Philosophical Women in Russell's Circle (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024): 299-321
McKercher, Asa, and Michael D. Stevenson. "From Normandy to NORAD: Canada and the North Atlantic Triangle in the Age of Eisenhower", in Asa McKercher and Michael D. Stevenson, eds., North of America: Canadians and the American Century, 1945-60 (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2023): 90-118
Stevenson, Michael D. "John Diefenbaker's 'Rogue' Foreign Policy", in Patrice Dutil, ed., Statesmen, Strategists, and Diplomats: Canada's Prime Ministers and the Making of Foreign Policy (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2023): 190-211
Stevenson, Michael D. "'His Class Slack-Jawed and with Eyes Aglaze': Bertrand Russell at UCLA, 1939-1940", Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 42 (2) (2021): 5-34
Stevenson, Michael D. “Howard Green, Disarmament, and Canadian-American Defence Relations, 1959-1963”, in Susan Colburn and Timothy Andrews Sayle, eds., The Nuclear North: Histories of Canada in the Atomic Age (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2020): 67-87
Stevenson, Michael D. “George Drew, the Law of the Sea, and the Diefenbaker Government, 1957-1963,” Diplomacy & Statecraft 31 (2) (2020): 326-349
Stevenson, Michael D. "Sidney Smith, Howard Green, and the Conduct of Canadian Foreign Policy, 1957-1963", in Janice Cavell and Ryan Touhey, eds., Reassessing the Rogue Tory: Canadian Foreign Relations in the Diefenbaker Era (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2018): 249-268
Stevenson, Michael D., and Sarah-Jane Brown. "'A Lovelorn Orphan in a Cold World': Bertrand Russell's 1931 North American Lecture Tour", Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 38 (2) (2018): 5-51
Stevenson, Michael D. "'Free from all possibility of historical error': Orillia's Champlain Monument, French-English Relations, and Indigenous (Mis)Representations in Commemorative Sculpture", Ontario History 109 (2) (2017): 213-237.
Stevenson, Michael D. "'My Personal Ruin Passes Unnoticed': Russell, Harvard, and the 1940 William James Lectureship", Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 36 (1) (2016): 44-63.
Stevenson, Michael D. “’Tossing a Match into Dry Hay’: Nuclear Weapons and the 1962-63 Crisis in Canadian American Relations”, Journal of Cold War Studies 16 (4) (2014): 5-34.
Stevenson, Michael D. “'In Solitude I Brood on War’: Bertrand Russell’s 1939 American Lecture Tour”,
Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 33 (2) (2013-2014): 101-142.
Stevenson, Michael D. “’A Very Careful Balance”: The 1961 Triangular Agreement and the Conduct of Canadian-American Relations”, Diplomacy & Statecraft 24 (2) (2013): 291-311.
Stevenson, Michael D. “’No Poverty, Much Comfort, Little Wealth’: Bertrand Russell’s 1935 Scandinavian Tour”, Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 31 (2) (2011-2012): 101-140.
Stevenson, Michael D., and Matthias Kipping. “French Acquisitions of Canadian Firms since 1960”, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (Business History Division) 32 (2011): 45-60
Bergbusch, Eric, and Michael D. Stevenson. “Howard Green and the Politics of Disarmament”, in Greg Donaghy and Kim Richard Nossal, editors, Architects and Innovators: Building the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, 1909-2009 (Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2010): 118-131.
Donaghy, Greg, and Michael D. Stevenson. “The Limits of Alliance: Cold War Solidarity and Canadian Wheat Sales to China, 1950-1963”, Agricultural History 83 (1) (2009): 29-50.
Stevenson, Michael D. “Conscripting Coal: The Regulation of the Coal Labour Force in Nova Scotia during the Second World War”, Acadiensis 29 (2) (2000): 58-88.
Stevenson, Michael D. “National Selective Service and Employment and Seniority Rights for Veterans, 1943-1946”, in Peter Neary and J.L. Granatstein, editors, The Veterans Charter and Post-World War II Canada (Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1997): 95-109.
Stevenson, Michael D. “The Industrial Selection and Release Plan and the Premature Release of Canadian Veterans, 1945-1946”, in Greg Donaghy, editor, 1945: Victory and Reconstruction (Ottawa: Canadian Committee for the History of the Second World War, 1997): 115-132.
Stevenson, Michael D. "The Mobilization of Native Canadians during the Second World War", Journal of the Canadian Historical Association (New Series) 7 (1996): 205-226.
Stevenson, Michael D. “The Compact of Permanent Union and the 1977 Puerto Rican Statehood Proposal”, Revista/Review Interamericana 23 (3-4) (1993): 7-25.
Stevenson, Michael D., and Graeme S. Mount. “The Roman Catholic Diocesan Boundary and American Madawaska, 1842-1870”, Maine Historical Society Quarterly 32 (3-4) (1993): 174-189.
Conference Papers
"Bertrand Russell in the Jazz Age: The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell, Volume 17", Annual Meeting of the Bertrand Russell Society, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, 17 June 2023
"Bertrand Russell's Barnes Foundation Lectures, 1941-1942", Annual Meeting of the Bertrand Russell Society, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, 4 June 2022
“From Normandy to NORAD: The North Atlantic Triangle in the Age of Eisenhower,” Canada in the Age of Eisenhower Symposium, Bill Graham Centre for Contemporary International History, 7 May 2021 (with Asa McKercher) [On-line delivery]
“Patricia Russell and Her Influence on Bertrand Russell”, Feminism and Philosophical Women in Russell’s Circle Workshop, McMaster University, 6 March 2021 [On-line delivery]
“Bertrand Russell at UCLA, 1939-1940”, Annual Meeting of the Bertrand Russell Society, 20 June 2020 [On-line delivery]
“Epistolary Conversations of Howard Charles Green, 1957-1963”, Canadian Historical Association Annual Meeting, Western University, London, Ontario, 3 June 2020 [Paper accepted but CHA Annual Meeting cancelled due to COVID-19 crisis]
“’The Most Sacred of Our Obligations’: Vocational Training and Canadian Veterans of the Second World War”, Canadian Historical Association Annual Meeting, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, 5 June 2019
“Howard Green, Disarmament, and Canadian-American Defence Relations, 1959-1963”, Nuclear Histories of Canada Colloquium, Toronto, Ontario, 22 September 2018
"'The Iowa Lady'" Bertrand Russell and Helen MacLeod Fiske, 1931-1932", Annual Meeting of the Bertrand Russell Society, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, 23 June 2018
"Storm Warnings: Canada, the US, and the Asian Cold War, 1953-1961", Annual Meeting of the Society for the History of American Foreign Relations, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 21 June 2018
“Nuclear Secrets and Interpretations of the Diefenbaker Government’s Demise, 1962-63”, Nuclear Histories: Official Secrets, Closed Files, Open Archives Workshop, Ottawa, Ontario, 1 June 2018
"Canada's War Emergency Training Program during the Second World War", Military History Colloquium of the Laurier Centre for Military, Strategic, and Disarmament Studies, Waterloo, Ontario, 5 May 2018
"Bertrand Russell and the 1935 International Congress for Scientific Philosophy", Annual Meeting of the Bertrand Russell Society, Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, Connecticut, 4 June 2017
"George Drew and Canadian Foreign Policy, 1957-1963", Canadian Historical Association Annual Meeting, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, 29 May 2017
"Monuments to Bertrand Russell and Fenner Brockway in London's Red Lion Square", Annual Meeting of the Bertrand Russell Society, Rochester, New York, 25 June 2016
"Stories in Bronze: Orillia's Champlain Monument and Indigenous (Mis)Representations in Commemorative Sculpture", Canadian Historical Association Annual Meeting, Calgary, Alberta, 30 May 2016
"Sidney Smith, Howard Green, and the Conduct of Canadian Foreign Policy", Canadian Historical Association Annual Meeting, Ottawa, Ontario, 3 June 2015
“’A Lovelorn Orphan in a Cold World’: Bertrand Russell’s 1931 North American Lecture Tour”, Annual Meeting of the Bertrand Russell Society, Windsor, Ontario, 14 June 2014
“The 1961 Triangular Agreement and the Conduct of Canadian-American Relations”, Canadian Historical Association Annual Meeting, Victoria, British Columbia, 5 June 2013
“Operation Skyhawk, Continental Air Defence, and Canadian-American Relations during the Diefenbaker Era”, Military History Colloquium of the Laurier Centre for Military, Strategic, and Disarmament Studies, Waterloo, Ontario, 3 May 2013
“’It is Surprising that Anything Came Out of the Fiasco at All’: Nova Scotia NewStart and Federal Regional Development Strategy, 1967-1972”, Atlantic Canada Studies Conference, Saint John, New Brunswick, 5 May 2012
“’I Am Sick of Pontificating’: Bertrand Russell’s 1939 Lecture Tour of the United States”, Annual Meeting of the Bertrand Russell Society, Plymouth, New Hampshire, 2 June 2012
“French Acquisitions of Canadian Firms since 1960: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches”, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, 5 July 2011
“Canada’s Trade Relations with China, 1957-1963”, Globalization and the Making of Canada Conference, Waterloo, Ontario, 30 January 2010
“’Give Peace a Chance’: Howard Green, Public Opinion, and the Politics of Disarmament”, Centennial Conference of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Ottawa, Ontario, 18 December 2008
“Canadian Wheat Sales to China by the Diefenbaker Government”, McCord Colloquium, Montreal, Quebec, 2 November 2007
“Cold War Solidarity and Canadian Wheat Exports to China, 1950-1963”, American Historical Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, 6 January 2007
“The Diefenbaker Government and the International Law of the Sea, 1957-1963”, Canadian Historical Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, 29 May 2002
“The Regulation of the Bituminous Coal Industry in Nova Scotia during the Second World War”, Atlantic Canada Studies Conference, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, 18 May 1998
“National Selective Service and the Regulation of Longshoremen in the Port of Halifax during the Second World War”, Canadian Historical Association Annual Meeting, St. John’s, Newfoundland, 7 June 1997
“The Mobilization of Native Canadians during the Second World War”, Canadian Historical Association Annual Meeting, St. Catharines, Ontario, 2 June 1996
“National Selective Service and the Crisis in Primary Textile Production in Canada, 1942-1946”, Organization for the Study of National History in Canada Conference on the Canadian State, Ottawa, Ontario, 26 November 1995
“The Industrial Selection and Release Plan and the Premature Release of Essential Industrial Workers from the Armed Forces, 1945-1946”, Victory and Reconstruction Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 21 October 1995
“Employment Preference and Seniority Rights for Canadian Veterans, 1943-1946”, Veterans Charter and Post-World War II Canada Conference, London, Ontario, 6 October 1995
“National Selective Service and the Employment of Canadian Veterans during the Second World War”, Society for Military History Annual Meeting, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 14 May 1995
“The Industrial Mobilization Survey Plan and the Military Mobilization of Non-Essential Canadian Workers, 1943-1945”, Military History Colloquium of the Laurier Centre for Military, Strategic, and Disarmament Studies, Waterloo, Ontario, 21 April 1995