Recent Publications

David Greenwood's Recent Publications

See my Google Scholar Profile:

Recent papers and book chapters:

Greenwood, D. (2019). Place, land, and the decolonization of the settler soul. Journal of Environmental Education, 50, 358–377.

Greenwood, D & Lee, D. (2020). Sustainability from the inside out: The Labyrinth as a tool for deepening conversations in higher education. The Northern Review, 49. 115-131. refereed

Greenwood, D. & McKee, M. (2020). Thanatopsis: Death Literacy for the Living. In H. Bai, D. Chang, & C. Scott (Eds.), A Book of Ecological Virtues: Living Well in the Anthropocene, pp. 71-92. Regina: University of Regina Press. (to be released in October, 2020)

Greenwood, D. (2020). Rachel Carson's Childhood Ecological Aesthetic and the Origin of The Sense of Wonder. In A. Cutter-Mackenzie (Ed.), Research handbook on ChildhoodNature: Assemblages of childhood and nature research. New York: Springer.

Recent edited book:

Pontius, J., Mueller, M., & Greenwood, D. (Eds.). (2020). Place-based learning for the plate: Hunting, gathering, and fishing for food. New York: Springer.