Andrew J. Dean

Chair, Professor
+1 807-343-8010ext. 8689
RB 2009
By appointment.
Academic Qualifications: 
  • Ph.D. Mathematics,     University of Toronto 1999 
  • M.Sc. Mathematics,     University of Toronto 1995 
  • H.B.Sc. Mathematics,  Lakehead University 1994 
Previous Teaching/Work: 

Ph. D. Students (Co-supervised with D. Kucerovsky at the University of New Brunswick)

  • Aydin Sarraf, Thesis: On the classification of certain inductive limits of real circle algebras and multiplicativity of certain Schur operators (2014).
  • Christopher Chlebovec, Thesis:  Quasi-free actions on graph algebras: KMS states and the structure of crossed products (2016).

Postdoctoral Fellows

  • Dr. Toan Ho, Lakehead University, 2008-2009.

M.Sc. Student at Lakehead University

  • Bit Na Choi, Thesis: A modification of the Effros-Handelamn-Shen Theorem with Z_2 actions. (2020)    

I no longer take Ph.D. Students. Prospective graduate students wishing to do an M.Sc. with me at Lakehead University should inquire at:

Conferences Organised

  • The 30-th Canadian Annual Symposium on Operator Algebras and Operator Theory, Lakehead University, May 2002.
  • The 38-th Canadian Annual Symposium on Operator Algebras and Operator Theory, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton New Brunswick, 2010. (Co-organised with D. Kucerovsky.)
  • The 45-th Canadian Annual Symposium on Operator Algebras and Operator Theory, Lakehead University, May/June 2017.

 Academic Positions Held

  • 2009 - Present        
    Professor of Mathematical Sciences, Lakehead University. 
  • 2017-2019                                                                                                 Chair, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Lakehead University.
  • 2007 - 2016            
    Adjunct Professor of Mathematics, University of New Brunswick 
  • 2006-2008                                                                                               Chair, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Lakehead University
  • 2004 - 2009            
    Associate Professor of Mathematics, Lakehead University
  • 1999 - 2004                
    Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Lakehead University
  • May - August 1999     
    Lecturer, University of Toronto



Research Interests: 

My research deals with C*-dynamical systems, in particular, constructing invariants to classify categories of them. I am also interested in real structures on C* algebras.

Selected publications

[1] A. J. Dean, A continuous field of projectionless C*-algebras, Canadian Journal of Math. 53 (2001), 51-72.

[2] A. J. Dean, An invariant for actions of R on UHF C*-algebras, C.R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada. (3) 23 (2001), 91–96.

[3] A. J. Dean, Classification of AF Flows, Canadian Math. Bull. (2) 46 (2003), 164–177.

[4] A. J. Dean, A classification theorem for certain actions of SL(2,R) on C*-algebras, C.R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada. (1) 27 (2005), 23-32.

[5] A. J. Dean, On inductive limit type actions of the Euclidean motion group on stable UHF algebras, Canadian Math. Bull. (2) 49 (2006), 213-225.

[6] A. J. Dean, Inductive limits of inner actions on approximate interval algebras generated by elements with finite spectrum, J. Ramanujan Math. Society, 24 (4) (2009).

[7] A. J. Dean, Classification of certain inductive limit type actions of R on C*-algebras, J. Operator Theory61 (2)(2009), 439-457.

[8] A. J. Dean and Toan Ho, Classification of certain inductive limit type actions on approximate interval algebras, J. Ramanujan Math. Society, 25 (3) (2010), 323-339.

[9] A. J. Dean, Classification of inductive limits of outer actions of R on approximate circle algebras, Canadian Math. Bulletin. 55 (1) (2012), 73-80.

[10] A. J. Dean, Classification of inductive limits of actions of Z_2 on real AF C*-algebras, J. Ramanujan Math. Society, 30 (2) (2015), 161-178.

[11] A. J. Dean, Classification of actions of compact groups on real approximately finite dimensional C*-algebras, Houston J. Math, 42 (4) (2016), 1227-1243.

[12] A. J. Dean, D. Kucerovsky, and A. Sarraf, On the classification of certain inductive limits of real circle algebras, New York J. Math. 22 (2016), 1393-1438.

[13] A. J. Dean, Classification of locally representable actions of finite dimensional quantum groups on AF C*-algebras,  J. Ramanujan Math. Society, 31 (4) (2016) 399-418.

 [14] C. Chlebovec and A. J. Dean, Non-Unital ASH Algebras arising as Crossed Products of Graph Algebras, New York J. of Math, 26 (2020), 446–466.

[15] Bit Na Choi and A. J. Dean, A Modification of the Effros-Handelman-Shen Theorem With Z_2 Actions, C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada Vol. 43 (3) 2021, 87-102.

[16] A. J. Dean and L. Santigo Moreno, Classification of Real Approximate Interval C*-algebras, to appear, (2022).

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