English Student Association - The Artery
The English Students' Association (ESA) is a group of like-minded lovers of literature at Lakehead University. The ESA produces the Artery, Lakehead's literary magazine, and hosts a various events throughout the school year, all geared toward creative expression. While the group provides peer tutoring and other academic support specific to its parent program, the club is not exclusive to English majors.
Past events include Poetry Slams, book sales, and the production of the ESA’s literary magazine, The Artery, which publishes student creative writing and visual art.
All are welcome! Volunteering as a member of the ESA provides a great experience and is an enjoyable way to get to know other students outside the classroom. If you’re interested in becoming a member of the editorial team for the 2024 edition of The Artery, please email: luartery@lakeheadu.ca.
The Artery
Our experiences with books are truly unique. Some people love the smell of a new book, or an old one from their childhood. Others love used books and finding inscriptions and scribbles from previous readers. We remember our grandparents' libraries and we know what it's like to curl up with a book you love and become absorbed in it. However, our favourite books don't just appear in our hands one day - we know what we like and how to find it. Sometimes, we even make books ourselves.
That's where writing comes in. Whether we write down grocery lists, essays, signatures, or even curse exams by scratching away at the wood in our favourite carrels, our writing shows at least something on our mind at the time. Some things we write will vanish over time while others attempt to become immortalized in print. Whether you knew it or not, The English Student Association at Lakehead provides an opportunity to publish all kinds of literature in the form of our very own literary magazine, The Artery.
The Artery was first published in 2008 and has since released fourteen editions with more on the way. You don't have to be a current student to submit - The Artery features writing from students, faculty, and alumni (as long as they went to Lakehead). So far, there has been anything from plays to short stories, haikus, jokes, letters, essays, limericks, and the list goes on. The Artery is a book, but so much more at the same time. In our bodies, arteries pump oxygenated blood away from our hearts. By giving our stories oxygen to breathe, we bring them to life and send them away from our hearts. Our stories are the blood, providing the literary nutrients you need to keep you alive and healthy.
The Artery Winter 2023 edition is now available online. Print copies are available at the Lakehead Alumni Bookstore ($10.00). Previous issues of the Artery may be available by contacting an ESA executive member or send us an email and we'll work out the details.
Whether you submit to The Artery or find yourself reading one, enjoy yourself!
You can help us keep The Artery alive and healthy too. We have maximum of two publications a year but submissions are accepted all year round.
How to submit:
Here is what to do:
1. Write your piece (max 150 lines for poetry or 2500 words for prose), or compose your visual art
2. Format it in Word or GoogleDoc the way that you want to see it on the page
3. Double-check for errors - We can't assume a spelling/grammar error was an accident. They can be intentional too!
4. Save the file with the title as the file name. e.g. If your piece is called "Portage", then save it as Portage.docx.
5. Send it to luartery@lakeheadu.ca with your LakeheadU mail account.
6. No need to include your name in the document as your email provides that information. Editing is done anonymously.
7. Stay posted either through luartery@lakeheadu.ca or follow us:
Facebook: @thearterylu
Instagram: @lu_artery
Twitter: @ArteryZine
Blog: https://arteryzine.wordpress.com/home/the-artery-zine-2-0/
If you want to know how you can get involved outside of submitting, email us at any time or drop by the English department and we'll see what we can do.
If you’re interested in becoming a member of the editorial team for the 2024 edition of The Artery, please email: luartery@lakeheadu.ca. We look forward to welcoming you to the ESA team!
The Artery Executive
Jia-Li Gouveia, President
Dhanvi Gahlawat, Artery Editor-in-Chief
Sophie Kuhn, Secretary
Sara Sadeghi, Thunder Bay Representative