Vira Grynko - Chemistry & Materials Science Defense

Event Date: 
Monday, January 15, 2024 - 9:00am to 10:00am EST
Event Location: 
ATAC 3004
Event Contact Name: 
Brenda Magajna
Event Contact E-mail: 

The Chemistry and Materials Science PhD candidate, Vira Grynko will present her research, "The Medical Applications of Hyperpolarized Xe and Non-proton Magnetic Resonance Imaging".

The field of medical diagnostics continually demands advancements in imaging modalities to ensure precise diagnostics. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has an indispensable role in diagnosing numerous diseases owing to its exceptional soft-tissue contrast and superior spatial resolution. Nevertheless, there are limitations to MRI, particularly in the fields of functional imaging and pulmonary imaging. This is where hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI becomes crucial, offering the ability to furnish vital insights into the lungs and brain functions and physiology, as well as enabling molecular imaging.

Despite its potential, hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI lacks certain essential elements for further progress. In my research, I addressed three pivotal questions related to hyperpolarized MRI. Firstly, I investigated the impact of glucose on hyperpolarized Xe dissolved in the blood. Secondly, I explored the feasibility of conducting multi-slice brain imaging to achieve precise spatial signal localization. Lastly, I successfully enhanced the efficiency of molecular imaging using hyperpolarized Xe.

Committee Members: Dr. Mitchell Albert (supervisor), Dr. Michael Campbell, Dr. Robert Mawhinney, Dr. Alla Reznik and Dr. Boguslaw Tomanek (external)

Everyone is welcome.

For more information contact Brenda Magajna at