Help! Managing Your Money on Campus: Buying Your First Home

Event Date: 
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 - 6:00pm to 7:30pm EDT
Event Location: 
Zoom Webinar
Event Contact Name: 
Melanie Oakes
Event Contact E-mail: 

The Canadian Foundation for Economic Education (CFEE) has partnered with Lakehead University to offer a series of virtual workshops, designed to help improve the financial education and capability of University and College students.

Coming out of this workshop you will have a much better understanding of how much you can spend on a house, the multitude of government programs to assist you and the other service providers who can help you in this major purchase. Roughly 2/3 of Canadians own their own home. Buying a home will likely be the largest investment you make in your life and this workshop will help you better understand the steps to buying a house so you can approach this major life decision with confidence.