On the Wings of the Winds of Lake Simcoe: Migrating Birds

Event Date: 
Saturday, October 19, 2019 - 10:00am to 4:00pm EDT
Event Location: 
Simcoe Hall OA 2015
Event Fee: 
$79 plus HST
Event Contact Name: 
Ontario Master Naturalist Program
Event Contact E-mail: 

Every year in late fall, several interesting bird species are found on the shores of Lake Simcoe between Orillia and Barrie. These include various species of loons, grebes, ducks, geese, and gulls found among a large number of more common species like common loons and Bonaparte gulls. After learning about this range of species in the classroom, participants will explore opportunities to observe rare birds at close range as they follow schools of shiners into shallower waters along the shores. These birds are usually found far out in deep, rough water, making observation difficult, but at this time of year participants will be able to view them in comfort at very close range.