Dr. Carlos Zerpa

Associate Professor
Associate Professor
+1 807-343-8010ext. 8940
Sanders Fieldhouse SB 1013
Mon-Fri 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Academic Qualifications: 
  • PhD, Joint PhD program: Lakehead, Windsor and Brock Universities 
  • MEd, Lakehead University
  • BSc (Math.Sc), Lakehead University 
  • BSc (Comp.Sc), Lakehead University
Previous Teaching/Work: 
  • Kinesiology 4310- Ergonomics
  • Kinesiology 4015
    Quantitative Biomechanical Analysis
  • Kinesiology 4220
    Undergraduate Research Thesis
  • Kinesiology 4810
    Directed Studies:Injury Biomechanics
  • Kinesiology 5070
    Directed Studies: Injury Biomechanics
  • Kinesiology 5453
    Advanced Biomechanics
  • Kinesiology 5090
    Measurement Theory and Practice in Kinesiology
  • Kinesiology 5011
    Statistical Analysis in Kinesiology
  • Kinesiology 5210
    Clinical Data Analysis in Kinesiology
Research Interests: 
  • Injury biomechanics: concussion, gait; protective and assistive devices
  • Educational measurements applied to the field of cognition and learning 
  • Equipment design and testing for biomechanics and health information technology applications 
  • Modeling and simulation
    • Applications of neural networks for instrument calibration
    • Item response theory modeling techniques
    • Classical statistics predicting models