Selected Publications
Wiersma, E.C. & Koster, R.L. (2013). Vulnerability, volunteerism, and age-friendly communities: Placing rural northern communities into context. Journal of Rural Community Development, 8(1), 62-76.
Dupuis, S.L., Wiersma, E.C., & Loiselle, L. (2012). Pathologizing behavior: Meanings of behavior in dementia care. Journal of Aging Studies, 26(2), 163-173.
Wiersma, E.C. (2012). "You can't turn back the clock": Reconceptualizing time after institutionalization. Canadian Journal on Aging, 31(1), 73-85.
Wiersma, E.C., & Dupuis, S.L. (2010). Becoming institutional bodies: Socialization into a long-term care home. Journal of Aging Studies, 24(4), 278-291.
Wiersma, E.C. (2010). Life around... Staff's perceptions of residents' adjustment into long-term care. Canadian Journal on Aging, 29(3), 425-434.
Sims-Gould, J., Wiersma, E., Arseneau, L., Kelley, M.L., Kozak, J., Habjan, S., & MacLean, M. (2010). Care providers' perspectives on end-of-life care in long-term care homes: Implications for whole person and palliative care. Journal of Palliative Care, 26(2), 122-129.
Wiersma, E. C. (2008). The experiences of place: Veterans with dementia making meaning of their environments. Health and Place, 14(4), 779-794.
Wiersma, E.C., & Pedlar, A. (2008). The nature of relationships in alternative dementia care environments. Canadian Journal on Aging, 27(1), 101-108.
Dupuis, S.L., Smale, B.J.A., & Wiersma, E. (2005). Creating open environments in long-term care settings: An examination of influencing factors. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 39(4), 277-298.