Academic Publications
CITATON SITES for Angela van Barneveld
Lewandowski, J., van Barneveld, A., & Ertmer, P.A. (2016). Posting with intentionality in online instruction: Supporting instructors’ facilitation efforts. Educational Technology, 56(4), 15-21. (editor review)
Strobel, J. & van Barneveld, A. (2009). When is PBL more effective? A meta-synthesis of meta-analyses comparing PBL to conventional classrooms. The Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning, 3(1), 44-58. Available at (peer review)
van Barneveld, A. (2017). Online learning: Best practices in practice. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA) Conference, Toronto, ON. Available at
van Barneveld, A. & Strobel, J. (2017). Engineering faculty perceptions about the impact of professional/industry experience on their teaching practice. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA) Conference, Toronto, ON. Available at
Ertmer, P.A., Lewandowski, J., & van Barneveld, A. (2016). Supporting instructors’ facilitation of online case discussions: Development and use of a digital tutorial. Proceedings of the Distance Education Association of New Zealand (DEANZ) Conference, Hamilton, NZ. Available at
van Barneveld, A. & Strobel, J. (2015). Implementation of PBL in engineering education: Conceptualizations and management of tensions. Proceedings of the 6th Annual Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA) Conference, Hamilton, ON. Available at
van Barneveld, A. & Strobel, J. (2011). Reports from teaching practice: Experiences and management of tensions encountered with PBL implementations in the early years of undergraduate engineering education. Proceedings of Research in Engineering Education Symposium 2011 (pp. 208-216). Madrid, Spain.
van Barneveld, A. & Strobel, J. (2011). Innovative pedagogies in engineering education - preliminary results from the teaching practices of American and Canadian educators. Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA) Conference, St. John’s, NF. Available at
Strobel, J. & van Barneveld, A. (2008). For what learning outcomes is PBL effective? Proceedings of the Preconference Symposium on PBL in Engineering Education. SEFI (European Society for Engineering Education) 36th Annual Conference, June 30- July 1, 2008, Aalborg, Denmark.
Ribeiro, O. & van Barneveld, A. (2008). Encouraging professional development through technology use. In K. McFerrin et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2008 (pp. 1525-1530). Chesapeake, Virginia: AACE. Available at
van Barneveld, A. & Shaw, S. (2006). Mobile learning: A review of implementations. In T. Reeves & S. Yamashita (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2006 (pp. 980-985). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Available at
Strobel J. & van Barneveld, A. (2015). PBL effectiveness, tensions, and practitioner implications. In Walker, A.,Leary, H., Hmelo-Silver, C. & Ertmer, P.A. (Eds.). Essential Readings in Problem-based Learning (pp. 355-372). West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press.
van Barneveld, A. & Ertmer, P.A. (2014). Implementing problem-oriented pedagogies in engineering education: Examination of tensions and drivers. In Orey, M., Jones, S. A., & Branch, R. M. (Eds.). Educational Media and Technology Yearbook (Vol. 38) (pp.47-67). New York, NY: Springer.
van Barneveld, A. & Strobel, J. (2009). Problem-based learning: Effectiveness, drivers, and implementation challenges. In E. de Graaff, A. Kolmos, & X. Du (Eds.), Research on Diversity of PBL Practice in Engineering Education (pp. 35-44). Rotterdam, NL: Sense Publishing.