Toby Rollo
2015 Ph.D. University of Toronto
2007 M.A. University of Victoria
2006 B.A. (Hons). University of British Columbia
Recent Publications
2020 “Babies and Boomers: Intergenerational Democracy and the Political Epidemiology of COVID-19,” Democratic Theory 7(2): 75-81.
2020 “Democratic Silence: Two Forms of Domination in the Social Contract Tradition,” Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy. Online First: July 23, 2020.
2019 “Two Political Ontologies and Three Models of Silence: Voice, Signal, and Action,” Critical Exchange: The Nature of Silence and Its Democratic Possibilities, in Contemporary Political Theory 18(3): 424-447.
2018. “Back to the Rough Ground: Textual, Oral and Enactive Meaning in Comparative Political Theory,” European Journal of Political Theory.
2018. “Imperious Temptations: Finding Democratic Legitimacy and Indigenous Consent,” Canadian Journal of Political Science.
2018. “The Color of Childhood: The Role of the Child/Human Binary in the Production of Antiblack Racism,” Journal of Black Studies 49(4): 307-329 (Published online: March, 2018)
2018. “Feral Children: Settler Colonialism, Progress and the Figure of the Child,” Settler Colonial Studies 8(1): 60-79 (Published online: June, 2016)
2020 “Democratic Child’s Play: Natality, Responsible Education, and Decolonial Praxis,” in Thinking, Childhood, and Time: Contemporary Perspectives on the Politics of Education, eds. Walter Omar Kohan and Barbara Weber. Rowman & Littlefield, 145-160.
2020 “Women and Children First! The Ideal of Co-Emancipation in Feminist and LGBTQ Critique,” in Turbulent Times, Transformational Possibilities? Gender and Politics Today and Tomorrow, eds. Fiona MacDonald & Alexandra Dobrowolsky. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 199-220.
2020 with Cynthia McDermott, Richard Khan, and Fred Chapel. “Critical Pedagogies and Democratic Praxis.” In SAGE International Handbook of Critical Pedagogies, eds. Shirley Steinberg, Barry Down, & Dara Nix-Stevenson. London: SAGE.
2020 “Childhood and Modernity.” In SAGE Handbook of Children and Childhood, eds. Daniel Thomas Cook & Erica Burman. London: SAGE.
2020 “Children as Other/Stranger” In SAGE Handbook of Children and Childhood, eds. Daniel Thomas Cook & Erica Burman. London: SAGE.