

Sameshima, P., & Faye, R. (2024, April). One cell the world: Climate action research & art catalogue. Friesen Press.

Sameshima P., Maarhuis, P., & Wiebe, S. (2019). Parallaxic praxis: Multimodal interdisciplinary pedagogical research design. Vernon Press. (2020 Society of Professors of Education Outstanding Book Award)

Sameshima, P., White, B., & Sinner, A., (Eds.). (2019). Ma: Materiality in teaching and learning. Peter Lang. (2020 Society of Professors of Education Outstanding Book Honorable Mention Award)

Sameshima, P., Fidyk, A., James, K., & Leggo, C. (Eds.). (2017, Oct.). Poetic inquiry: Enchantment of place. Wilmington, DE: Vernon Press. (2018 Society of Professors of Education Outstanding Book Honorable Mention Award)

Sameshima, P., Vandermause, R., Chalmers, S., & Gabriel. (2009). Climbing the ladder with Gabriel: Poetic inquiry of a methamphetamine addict in recovery. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense. (Shortlisted for the 2010 American Educational Research Association Qualitative Research Outstanding Book Award)

Prendergast, M., Leggo, C., & Sameshima, P. (Eds.). (2009). Poetic inquiry: Vibrant voices in the social sciences. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense.

Sameshima, P. (2007). Seeing Red—a pedagogy of parallax: An epistolary bildungsroman on artful scholarly inquiry. Amherst, NY: Cambria Press. (Dissertation winner of 2 university, 2 Canadian & 1 US awards)

Select Publications

Clitero-Eridon, A., Sameshima, P., Cameron, E., Allison, J., Martinez, J. Orasi, T., Hu, C., Strasser, R. (2024, May). Deepening understandings of social accountability using the arts and storytelling. Education for Health, 37(1), 39-49.

Lyons, D. L., Kumar, P., Roan, N., Defechereux, P. A., Feschotte, C., Lange, U., Murthy, N., Sameshima, P., Verdin, E., Ake, J. A., Parsons, M., Nath, A., Gianella, S., Smith, D. M., Kallas, E. G., **Villa, T. J., **Strange, R., Mwesigwa, B., Furler O’Brien, R. L., Nixon, D. F., Ndhlovu, L. C., Valente., S., & Ott, M. (2023, Oct.). HIV-1 Remission: Accelerating the path to permanent HIV-1 silencing.  In special issue: Regulation of HIV-1 Transcription and Latency. Viruses. (The 3 PIs are listed last in this entry) 

Sameshima, P. (2023, Feb). Finding my talk: Language as protector. In N. Honein & M. McKeon (Eds.), Reclaiming lands, languages, and belongings: A poetic celebration (179-186). Vernon Press.

Cheu, H., Sameshima, P., Strasser, R., Ross, B., Clithero-Eridon, A., Cameron, E., & Hu, C. (2022, Oct. 26). Teaching compassion for social accountability: A parallaxic investigation. Medical Teacher.

Sameshima, P., & Orasi, T. (2022 Oct.). What’s better than the asynchronous post? Journal of Applied Learning and Teaching, 5(2), 1-11. 

Gladwin, D., Horst, R., James, K., & Sameshima, P. (2022, July). Imagining futures literacies: A collaborative praxis. Journal of Higher Education, Theory and Practice, 22(7). 1-14. 

Orasi, T., & Sameshima, P. (2022, Feb.). Virtual reality as a vehicle for reimagining creative literacies, research and pedagogical space. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 22(1), 161-174. doi:

Sameshima, P (2021, October). Falling towers: A letter to my child’s teacher. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 19(1), 1-10.

Sameshima, P., Katz, R., Shariff, S., Dietzel, C. (2020, Oct.). Novel, educational and legal responses to technology-facilitated sexual violence. AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research.

Sameshima, P. (2020, July). The making of resilience. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 18(1), 1-2.

Sameshima, P. (2020, June). Foreword. Ineffable. In W. Zuk, Together, love is not lost (pp. 4-7). Blurb Press.

Sameshima, P. (2020, May). Foreword. Developing critical mass in arts education research. In B. Andrews (Ed.), Perspectives on arts education research in Canada, Vol. II: Issues and directions (pp. vii-xi). Brill Sense. 

Sameshima, P. (2020, February). Digging wells, divining a curriculum of hope in slipping fidelities. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 17(2), 1-7.

Sameshima, P., & Morchel, P. (2019, summer). Making practice. Visual Arts Research, 45(1), Issue 88, 78-82.

Glasser, L., Young, E., & Sameshima, (2019, July). The supermodel astronaut challenge: Traversing frames of mind. Qualitative Research Journal.

Sameshima, P. (2019, June). Ma, I’m thinking about nothing. In P. Sameshima, B. White & A. Sinner (Eds.), Ma: Materiality in teaching and Learning (pp. 3-16). Peter Lang.

Sameshima, P., Wiebe, S., & Hayes, M. (2019, May). Imagination: The generation of possibility. In B. Andrews (Ed.), Perspectives on arts education research in Canada, Volume 1: Surveying the landscape(pp. 19-35). Brill Sense.

Sameshima, P. (2019, April). “Where are you Harley Dave” in Fresh Voices 16. Toronto, ON: The League of Canadian Poets. Accessed from

Sameshima, P. (2019, March). “Leaves evergreen” in Collected Haiku [15 poets, competition]. The League of Canadian Poets.

Sameshima, P. (2018, December). The basic understory: A curriculum of Interrelation. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 16(2), 1-9.

Sameshima, P., Miyakawa, M., & Lockett, M. (2017, Dec.). Scholarly engagement through making: A response to Arts-Based and Contemplative Practices in Research and Teaching. Revista VIS, 16(2), 45-67. doi.