Dr. Salem’s has been involved in extensive applied reserach in the area of structural engineering for more than fifteen years. His research interests are mainly on the behaviour of steel, concrete and timber framed structures and their interaction with fire using analytical, computer modelling and experimental methods. In addition, Dr. Salem's area of expertise extends to include buildings fire safety and computer fire modelling. Following is a list of Dr. Salem's current reserach projects;
- Structural Behaviour of Glulam Moment-Resisting Connections.
- Flexural Behaviour of CLT-to-Glulam Composite-Section Beams at both Normal and Elevated Temperatures. (click for more details).
- Development of Computer-Based Models to Simulate the Structural Behaviour of Glulam Frame Connections.
- Robustness of Moment-Resisting Connections Joining Steel Beams to HSS Columns Subjected to Standard Fire. (click for more details)