Paper Presentations
Challenging Roles - Young people negotiating mental illness stigma. Paper accepted for the Canadian Anthropology Society / Société canadienne d'anthropologie (University of British Columbia) May 2009.
Revisiting the prolegomenon – the three bodies model 20 years on. Paper accepted for 2007 Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Washington, DC. November 28th-Decemebr 3rd 2007.
Habitus, hexis corporeal and theorizing of a Canadian mental health service for youth. Paper accepted for session entitled Applying Bourdieu's Theories to Data Analysis session at Canadian Sociology Association, Congress of the Canadian Federation of Humanities and Social Sciences (University of Saskatchewan) May-June 2007
Becoming an anthropologist in Hamilton, Ontario. Canadian Anthropology Society / Société canadienne d'anthropologie Conference (University of Toronto) May 2007.
Initial Findings from a qualitative, multi-sited investigation of young people's illness narratives in mental health service provision in Ontario. Qualitative Health Research Conference. (St Joseph's Health Care / McMaster University) June 2006
Social Positioning - Young people's identity performance and illness narratives within mental health service provision for Ontarian children and youth. Canadian Anthropology Society / Société canadienne d'anthropologie (Concordia University) May 2006
Complex marginality in mental health services for young people. Royal Anthropological Institute Annual Conference (Cornwall UK) April 2006
Qualitative Methods Value – using appropriate research tools small scale services, with Don Buchanan (McMaster Children's Hospital) 19th Annual Conference at the Research and Training Centre for Children's Mental Health (University of South Florida) February 2006
Normative Discourse through Arts - anthropological interpretations of a Canadian mental health service for young people. Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities (Honolulu) January 2006