Laure Paquette Selected Publications


2015 Strategic Intervention, Nova.

2015 Underdog Strategy and Special Forces, Asian American Publishing

2015 Teaching Political Science, DeGruyter.

2011 More Strategic Activism, Novinka.

2010 Counterinsurgency and the Armed Forces. New York: Nova.

2010 Beyond the Cookie Cutter: Can Special Forces Learn to Think Like Terrorists?, Prairie Working Paper #2

2010 Terrorist-Insurgent Thinking and Joint Special Operations Doctrine, JSOU Occasional Papers.

2005 Campaign Strategy, Nova.

2004 Bioterrorism in Medical Health Care Administration. Dekker.

2003 Path to Peace, Nova.

2003 Prescription for Change, Nova.

2002 Strategies for Individuals, Nova.

2002 Workbook for Political Strategy and Tactics, Nova.

2002 Strategic Activism, Nova.

2002 Analyzing and Building National Policy, Lexington.

2002 Strategy and Ethnic Conflict, Praeger.

2002 Security for the Pacific Century, Nova.

2001 NATO and Eastern Europe After 2000, Nova.




2014 "Strategy and the Underdog", International Journal, of Social Sciences 6:8, 22325-22330.

2014 "Worksheet system", Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 2 : 5(Sep-Oct), 838-851.

2014 "Edward Snowden: the Whistleblower as Underdog," International Journal of Human Rights 17:7-8, 796-809.

2014 "Revitalizing Strategic Thinking, Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 2:5B (Nov-Dec), 677-686.

2013 "Heidegger, Pride and National Socialism,” International Journal of Philosophy.

2013 “Active Learning Through Classroom Role-Play: How to Use Simulation of National Elections for Upper-Year Comparative Politics Courses,” Radical Pedagogy.

2012 “Strategy and the Underdog In Organizational Politics”, Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review Vol. 1, No.7; February, pp 30-50

2011 “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: the Political Strategist and the Internet,” American International Journal of Contemporary Research 1:1 (July), 31-37

2010 Shortt, Sam, Michael Green, Stan Corbett, Laure Paquette and Nadia Surba, "Making Medical Practice Safer: The Role of Public Policy", International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine, 22, 159-168.

2010 “Does Canada have a strategy for the Middle East and why should we care?” Actors and Identity in the Middle East, B. Sasley ed. (Winnipeg: Bison Papers), 67-78.

2009 “Islam and Democracy in Asia: What Can we Learn from Underdog Thinking,” Shiping Hua (ed.), Islam and Democracy in Asia (Cambria), 73-94.

2008 “Finding the strategic corporal in a crowd,” Adaptation of NATO, N. Mychajlyszyn (ed.).

2002 “Strategic Interactions between NATO and Romania,” in Central and Eastern Europe in Transition, F.H. Columbus, ed. New York: Nova, 1-38.

2002 ‘Strategy and Tactics for Women”, webpages for New Leadership and Center for Global Leadership, Rutgers University.

2002 ‘A Win-Win Scenarios for Regional Peace and Security”, In Journal of Organizational and Social Behavior, 71-101.

2001 ‘Strategic Interactions between NATO and Poland After 2000,’ Sprawy Miedzynarodowe (The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs), 19p.

2001 ‘Analysis and Promotion of More Peaceful Long-Term Interactions between States in East Asia,’ Current Politics and Economics in Asia, 4, 1-38.

2001 ‘A Framework for Policy Building,’ in Handbook of Policy Evaluation, S. Nagel ed. (New York: Sage, 2001), 145-150.

2000 ‘Strategic Interactions Between NATO, Poland, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Romania After 2000," Brussels: NATO Academic Forum, 2000, 163 pages,

2000 ‘Strategic Interactions between NATO and Bulgaria after 2000,’ Current Politics and Economics of Russia, Eastern and Central Europe.

2000 ‘Unit in Political Action,’ Toronto: Prentice-Hall, 2000.

2000 "Increasing the Strategic Compatibility of the Republic of Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea," Handbook of Global International Policy (New York: Dekker), 119-142.

2000 "Marketization After Mao: National Strategy in Dengist, Post-Reform China 1980-93", in Economic Global Public Policy , S. Nagel Ed. (New York: Marcel Dekker, 2000), 305-322.

1999 "Theory-Building in Policy Analysis," Policy Evaluation (Newsletter-Journal of the Policy Evaluation Groups of PSO) 5:1 (Spring), 29-34.

1999 "A Strategic Analysis of the Russian Federation's First Years," Polish Foundation of International Affairs Occasional Papers 3 (Warsaw: Polska Fundacja Spraw Miedzynarodowych), 19 p.

1998 "Prospects for the Security Architecture of East Asia in the 21st Century," Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and Politics 2:6, 1-12.

1998 "Canada in the Web of East Asian Relations," Australian-Canadian Studies 15: 2 (97-98), 159-188.

1997 "Strategic Analysis of Japan's Recent Defence Initiatives," Japan Forum on International Relation Research Fellow Papers (Japanese/ English).

1997 "Analysis and Promotion of More Peaceful Long-Term Interactions Between States," Peace Research / The Canadian Journal of Peace Studies 29:4 (November), 24-31.

1997 "Japan as Honest Broker," Global Forum Occasional Papers 11: Changing Strategic Environment of Asia-Pacific (Japanese, March), 49 p.

1997 "Japan's National Strategy, 1952-1997," in The New Japan: Changes, Challenges, and Choices, Hugh Millward and James Morrison, eds. (Halifax: Saint Mary's University), 217-232.

1997 "Arms Exports and Arms Control in Mainland China: The Manufacture and Trade of Major Weapons Systems, 1989-1992," Issues and Studies 32:3 (March), 69-85.

1996 "La nouvelle stratégie nationale de la République de Chine dans le monde de l'après-Guerre froide," Études et Documents (Taipei), juillet, 31-68 (French).

1996 "The Republic of China's Strategy for the Post-Cold War World," Issues and Studies 31:4 (March), 1-39.

1995 "Sterility in the Japanese Security Debate," Japan Forum on International Relations Occasional Papers (Japanese/ English), 33 p.

1995 "The Importance of a [Canadian] Strategic Concept," International Journal L: 4 (Autumn), 742-749.

1995 "The North Korean Nuclear Crisis as Preventive Diplomacy" in Peacemaking and Preventive Diplomacy in the New World (Dis)Order, David R. Black and Susan J. Rolston (Halifax: Dalhousie University,), 89-104.

1993 "L'Asie et la région du Pacifique," in Roman Jakubow, ed. Regional Overview 1992‑93, ORAE Project Reports (French/English).

1993 "Japan, Australia, New Zealand," in Roman Jakubow, ed. Defense of Canada's Major Allies, ORAE Research Notes (French/English).

1993 "Problems of Strategic Vision," Macnaughton Papers 4 (September).

1993 "French Nuclear Strategy", David G. Haglund, ed. Euphoria to Hysteria: European Security in the 1990s (Boulder: Westview), 219-228.

1992 "Towards a Conceptual Analysis of Canadian Security," in Canada's Continuing Commitments, A. Morrisson, ed. (Toronto: Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies).

1991 "A Study of Strategy and Time in Clausewitz's On War and Sun Tzu's The Art of War", Comparative Strategy 10:1 (January), 37-51.