Graduate Students (Past & Present)

Mengxi Lin, MSc (Archaeological Science), In progress

Kira Birch, MES
(2023), " Late Holocene Paleovegetation and Fire History of Northern Lake of the Woods and the Woodland Period"

Steven Mozarowski, MSc (2023), " An Exploration of Image Analysis in Archaeological Starch Recognition"
Stephanie Skelton, MSc (Archaeological Science), In progress
Shane Teesdale, MSc (Archaeological Science), In progress
Jake Cousineau, MES (2021),  "Macrobotanical and Zooarchaeological Examination of the Macgillivray Site (DbJm-3): A Woodland Period Habitation in Northwestern Ontario"
Kayleigh Speirs, MES (2019), "Residue Analysis of Pre-Contact Small and Miniature Pottery: A Multi-Proxy Approach".
Jennifer Surette, MES (2018), "Paleoecology of a Wild Rice (Zizania palustris) Lake in Northwestern Ontario, Canada".
Jacqueline Barry, MES (2017), "Archaeobotanical and Soil Chemistry Investigation of a Woodland Site on Whitefish Lake, Northwestern Ontario".
Alexandra Burchill, MES (2014), "Plant Microfossil Analysis of Middle Woodland Food Residues, Northern Minnesota".
Christine Shultis, MSc (2013), "Quaternary Sedimentology East of Thunder Bay, Ontario; Implications for Five Paleoindian Sites".
Andrew Lints, MES (2012), "Early Evidence of Maize (Zea mays ssp. mays) and Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) on the Northern Plains: An Examination of Avonlea Cultural Materials (AD 300 - 1100)".
Lesley Kingsmill, MES (2011), "Middle Holocene Archaeology and Paleoenvironments of the Thunder Bay Region, Lake Superior Basin".
Clarence Surette, MSc (2008), "The Potential of Microfossil Use in Paleodiet and Paleoenvironmental Analysis in Northwestern Ontario"