Dr. Adam Algar
PhD Biology, University of Ottawa
BSc Zoology, University of Guelph
2011-2020 Associate / Assistant Professor, University of Nottingham UK
2009-2011 Post-doctoral Fellow, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University
My research aims to understand and predict the dynamics of species' niches. Specifically, my group investigates what constrains species' distributions in space and time, from behavioural decisions by individual organisms that determine microhabitat use to emergent patterns in global biodiversity. We focus on the ecology and evolution of ectotherms, dissolving traditional boundaries between field and macroecology by integrating physiological, functional, and community ecology with macroecology, biogeography, and macroevolution. We strive to understand how local interactions among organisms and their environment generate broad-scale, emergent patterns in the distribution of life and use this information to improve predictions of species' responses to changing environments.
Read more about my lab's research at https://adamalgar.github.io