Dr. Walter Momot

Sessional or Contract, Professor Emeritus
Academic Qualifications: 

HBSc Wayne State University, Detroit MI
MSc, PhD University of Michigan, Flint MI

Research Interests: 

Fish Ecology. Production ecology, zoogeography, and population dynamics of fish and invertebrates in boreal lakes.


Biology 4212 Biology of Fishes

Selected Publications

Spencer, S.C., Colby, P.J., Momot, W.T., and Fruetel, M. 2002. Response of a walleye population to pulse fishing in Henderson Lake, Ontario. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 22: 842-851.

Momot, W.T. 1995. Redefining the role of crayfish in aquatic ecosystems. Reviews in Fisheries Science. 3(1): 33-64.

Momot, W.T. 1986. Production and exploitation of crayfish in northern climates.In: Jamieson, G. and N. Bourne (Eds.) 1986. North Pacific Workshop on stock assessment and management of invertebrates. Canadian Special Publication Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 92: 154-167.

Momot, W.T., Gowing, H., and Jones, P.D. 1978. The dynamics of crayfish and their role in ecosystems. American Midland Naturalist. 99(1): 10-35.