Oversight and Review

Lakehead University’s Vice-President Research and Innovation has overall responsibility for the development and implementation of the RDM Strategy. Lakehead University’s RDM Advisory Committee will be responsible for leading the implementation of the Strategy, monitoring progress towards meeting the objectives of the Strategy, and reporting milestones achieved and reporting back to the Vice-President Research and Innovation and collaborators. The RDM Advisory Committee includes representatives from the Office of Research Services (ORS), including the Research Ethics Board (REB); Library; Technology Services Centre (TSC); the Faculty of Graduate Studies; faculty members, students, and the Chair of the Lakehead University IRDM Committee. 

There are distinct considerations for the implementation and governance of Indigenous research and data management. The principle of Indigenous self-determination will inform the development and oversight of IRDM strategies at Lakehead University.

The RDM strategy will be implemented on a five-year timeline, with a mid-term review, and will be revised as necessary to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of our researchers and partners.