Where Are Our Graduates Now?
Over the years many students have graduated with a degree in Sociology. This page is a place to find out what some of our graduates (both undergraduate and MA graduates) are doing now. If you are a graduate, please let us know what you're doing now, or if you know someone who is a graduate, please ask that person to contact us so that we can add their information to our page. We hope this page will be updated regularly, so please check back often to see what your former classmates are doing. Or, if you're still a student, you can see what some of the possibilities are once you become a graduate yourself. Please note that not all graduates will be listed here because we can only give information for those who stay in touch and who give us their permission to post about them.
Arseneau, Lise (HBA Sociology with concentration in Gerontology 2007; MA Sociology with Specialization in Gerontology, 2009). Currently works at the Centre for Education and Research on Aging and Health as a research assistant. She is primarily working on a study, "Quality Palliative Care in Long-Term Care" palliativealliance@lakeheadu.ca. She has given several conference presentations related to palliative care and has a co-authored journal article on the subject. (added Nov. 19/10)
Boily, Giselle (HBA Sociology) Currently works at the Thunder Bay Regional Cancer Centre as a Drug Access Navigator.
Brotchie, Karli (HBA Sociology 2005; MA Sociology with Specialization in Women's Studies, 2008). After working as a Researcher for the Social Planning Council of BC, Karli returned to Thunder Bay to work in a variety of positions simultaneously. She is currently the Coordinator for the Committee to End Woman Abuse in Thunder Bay and District: http://www.endwomanabuse.com/, she is also the Coordinator for the Community High Risk Committee which monitors high risk domestic abuse cases in Thunder Bay, and she is the Coordinator for the Speakers' School sponsored by the Thunder Bay & District Injured Workers Support Group. (added Nov. 25/10)
Casey, Becky (MA Sociology with Specialization in Gerontology, 2008). Becky is currently in the 3rd year of her PhD studies at McMaster. She recently co-published (with S. D. Stone) "Aging with Long-Term Physical Impairments: The Significance of Social Support" in Canadian Journal on Aging 29 (3): 349- 359. As part of the Research Action Action Alliance on the Consequences of Work Injury, she is also working with Dr. Peri Ballantyne on a survey of injured workers' health. (added Nov. 16/10)
Chopra, Meggi (MA Sociology, 2008). Currently works in Human Resources for Canada Post Corporation inToronto. She is also developing a charity called "Everyday Child" to foster leadership through the "learn, earn return" model. (added Nov. 19/10)
Conley, Justin (HBA Sociology, 1995; MA Sociology/Women's Studies, 2000). Currently works as Research Director for Toronto Environmental Alliance (tea). Justin has been involved with the environmental movement in one way or another for several years. His environmental work includes time at Greenpeace Canada, and a previous stint as a canvasser at TEA. While at Greenpeace he ran a successful canvass both in Toronto and in Hamilton. Justin also worked closely with Greenpeace’s action co-ordinator to help mobilize the canvass into action. Justin holds a Masters Degree in Sociology/ Women’s Studies/Social Theory from Lakehead University and a Theatre Performance Diploma from Humber College.And despite what the rest of the country thinks, Justin loves this city and knows that together we can make it a whole lot better. Email: justin(at)torontoenvironment.org (added Jan. 13/15)
Fogg-Cave, Terri (HBA Sociology, 2001; MA Sociology with Specialization in Gerontology, 2003). Terri lives with her husband in Barrie and has recently returned to teaching elementary school after giving birth to her son in 2009.
Hamalainen, Tracy (HBA Sociology, 2009). Currently working as an Executive Assistant for PARO Centre for Women's Enterprise in Thunder Bay: http://www.paro.ca/. Hopes to get her MA in Sociology at some point. (added Nov. 19/10)
Lozowy, Andriko (MA Sociology, 2008). Currently in year 3 of PhD at University of Alberta . In addition to working as a research assistant on various media-related projects he practices and teaches yoga. He has given several conference presentations and published articles about visual sociology. See his webpage http://www.arts.ualberta.ca/~alozowy/?page_id=11 (added Nov. 19/10)
Nair, Sasikala (Rahki) (MA Sociology with Specialization in Women's Studies, 2006). Currently in year 4 of her PhD atWayneStateUniversityinDetroit. Dissertation topic is college women's health in Detroit. Hoping to work for the American government in the field of policy making after graduation. (added Nov. 19/10)
Playford, Andrew (HBA Sociology, 2000; MA Sociology with Specialization in Gerontology, 2002). Worked as Ontario Event Manager for a retailer after graduation, in charge of advertising and human resources as well as day to day operations. Is currently an elementary school teacher in London Ontario. In his spare time he is working on his first novel dealing with future trends in society related to what he sees happening in terms of war, globalization, and selected conspiracy theories (added August 4, 2011).
Prairie, Diane (HBA Sociology, 2009, MA Sociology, 2011) is currently living in Thunder Bay and is working for Sioux Hudson Literacy Council as an Online Educator for the "Good Learning Anywhere" program. Her job includes researching gaps in literacy and basic skills education in aboriginal rural communities, curriculum development, instruction and student mentoring.
Rantala, Mark (MA with Specialization in Gerontology, 2008). After completing all of the requirements for his M.A., Mark moved to Ottawa to work as a Customs Officer, a position that he continues to enjoy. He finds that his studies in Gerontology have been useful for allowing him to have a unique perspective on the public with which he interacts. He and his partner Jody recently purchased a house and have been joyfully busy with painting and performing some minor renovations both to the interior and exterior of the home experience. (added January 26, 2011).
Thompson, Scott (MA Sociology, 2006). Currently a PhD candidate in Sociology at the University of Victoria, engaged in research concerning classification and its consequences during the pre-electronic period. His doctoral work reviews Canada 's WWII National Registration program, its identity cards and related governmental programs. In 2009 he published his first book Punched Drunk: Alcohol, Surveillance and the LCBO, 1927-1975 with Dr. Gary Genosko. In addition he has published in the journal Surveillance and Society and authored several chapters in collected works. (added Nov. 19/10)
Wright-Levesque, Terri (HBA Sociology 2000, MA Sociology 2002). I am currently working full-time as a Vocational Rehabilitation Consultant with Partners in Rehab in Thunder Bay. I am a member of the Vocational Rehab Association of Canada as well as the Canadian Assessment, Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment Society and am working towards obtaining my designation of Registered Rehabilitation Professional. Once completed I will be working towards joining the newly formed College of Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals and Vocational Services and it is my understanding that as a result of my education, will be able to obtain the Masters Certificate, Vocational Professional (the highest level). (added Nov. 19/10)